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Xu10 Head Convo Clarification

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okay so far i have leaned a fair amount about putting an xu10 head onto a 1.6 gti:


the xu10 has a better flow rate however the exhaust valves are restrictive


the inlet ports must be matched to the inlet manifold


the head must be skimmed by around 1mm


a xu9 gasket can be used however some overhang will occur


a gti-6 gasket can also be used??



I just really want to know if this is all right and if any performance gains will be made. i have made extensive searches and much of the reading is very confusing and contradictory but the above is what i have made out from it. :)


i will only be using the car for road use and so the fully blown race engine argument need not enter this post!


cheers allan

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I wouldn't use an XU9 (83mm) gasket, as you'll likely burn out the fire ring as they'll stick into the combustion chamber. You need an XU10 (86mm) gasket of sorts.

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I would say the complete Opposite and use a std 1.6 or 1.9 gasket, But what ever way you do it it's not going to seat as the std head and liners But then again I would stick with the normal head myself after experancing a 1.9 with this on.

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