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306xsi Alarm Question

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Hi guys, just wondering if anyone knows anything about the standard 306xsi alarm?

I just got this car a couple of days ago and the alarm is playing up already!

I thought initially that it was the the internal movement sensors that were activating it but after switching them off the problem persists.

I understand that the way to arm the alarm is with the 2nd button on the plip, but Im very concerned that at the moment Im operating without either alarm or immob. for fear of false alarms.

Any ideas what may be going wrong and how to cure it?

All ideas appreciated!




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Not sure how it works, But all 3 of my 306's have duff std fit Alarms but the keypad things work fine so I just don;t use it as it's a very common thing to happen I'm afarid so I would buy another aftermarket one personally

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haha it certainly seems to be an xsi problem area the alarm!!! :blush: my siren doesn't sound the lights flash but no noise......looking back through the history seems the previous owners had probs aswell ......... so most the time i don't bother with it ...... i should ......... most people don't pay attention to a car alarm nowadays anyway :D ....... not even the people who are supposed to be looking after the cars -_-

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Our 306 Dturbo is the same. Is the small button supposed to arm/disarm the alarm? It doesn't do anything but when you disconnect and reconnect the battery when working on car the lights flash but no siren. The big button does the locks and works fine.

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