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Heavy Duty Top Mounts For Rallying

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Mine are bent and I've got two options - bend them back / get some straight ones and try to weld on some kind of stiffening support or go for some stronger ones. I run Bilstein PTS kit. Do have some plates to weld onto the actual inner wing mounting point so hoping they won't bend up again after strengthening.


For uprated ones I have seen these on rallynuts http://rallynuts.com/motorsport/Rally%5FCa...entric_1863.asp but they seem pretty expensive.


A mate has some which have off the shelf bearing fitments making them a damn site cheaper but he doesn't know what they are.


Any other ideas?

Edited by boombang

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are your top mounts bent , or the inner wing tops ? not clear from your post .


the strengtheners that weld to the top mounts make a massive difference . Bash them flat and weld them in .


Prevents bonnet nipples..


Never used the alloy top mounts on mine , as i have never seen the need . And my car is driven over some very rough roads.. :unsure:

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both and fairly badly. The plates I have are for the inner wing tops but can't see it being too hard to knock some up for the top mounts.


I've knocked the tops back but the metal has stretched somewhat and there is little point knocking them back totally flat without putting new flat top mounts under them.


the damage is from repeated use at Longcross (where they used to test military vehicles to see how steep an incline they could do - although with a 309 it results in a huge jump off the top).

Edited by boombang

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