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Engine Mount

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hi people i've just droped the subframe out of a 205 gti e reg and the drivers side drive shaft and shock hub unit is removed from the sub frame.

I'm trying to remove the lower engine mount but it wont buge the two 11mm nuts either side of the end of the mount are of and the two bolts just move in and out i've tryed hitting the mount in inwards and outwards nothing just spins round.

Have i missed something wich needs to be done before it comes of what am i doining wrong.

Cheers Dave

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are you trying to get the driveshaft out of the engine mount? the 2 11's are cam lobed bolts, push them right back and spin them 180 degrees then they wont be in front of the driveshaft then try knocking the shaft through. If your trying to remove the engine mount then you need to undo the 4 16mm bolts around the base plate. If you cant get shaft out you can undo the mount and pull that out the bay with shaft attached to makie it easier to see what your doing with it :blush:

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id recommend taking the mount out as Richie says. I done this a couple of days ago. I bashed away at the thing trying to get the shaft out with no luck.


ive found a blowtorch solves soooo many stuck parts problems, blowtroch the part that you need to free it from, ie only try heating the mount so that it expands and then batter it and it should come out.

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Guest rick03054

Also, if your removing the mount, it has two plastic locating dowel things. So doesn't just fall off when you remove the 4 bolts. A bit of bashing and prising shifts it though. :wacko:

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its all of the car i just have the shock hub drive shaft and mount i just want to get the mount of i take it i need to hit away from the hub. There is a plate that sits just in side where the mount is fitted to the sahft does that need to come of.

I like the idea of useing a blowtorch :wacko: so i might give that ago


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Guest rick03054

Yeah, I think the plate you are talking about is the intermediate bearing. It's on the driveshaft and held in by two lugs on the bolts that go through the mount. Unscrew them almost completely and turn them through 180 degrees so they aren't holding the bearing anymore, then just knock the mount along the driveshaft away from the hub.

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put the mount in a vice, with the hub end of the shaft to the floor, and clout it!

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cheers people looks like the lumb hammers coming out again.


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