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Guest llolyg

Mi16 Tilted?

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Guest llolyg

Hi Guys, im new on the forum and have recently bought a 205 mi16. Until coming on the site i was unaware there were tilted and untilted conversions and was wondering what the easiest way would be to see what mine was. Thanks Oly

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Look underneath at the fork that the bottom engine mount connects to - if it's been extended (look for weld marks in the middle of it) then it's almost certainly tilted.

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Guest llolyg
Look underneath at the fork that the bottom engine mount connects to - if it's been extended (look for weld marks in the middle of it) then it's almost certainly tilted.


Thanks, i'll have a look in the morning when theres a bit more light. Is it a big job to have it untilted?

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all you need to do it cut/grind away the fan surround or buy a shortened inlet manifold (for inlet clearance) and either bash the bulkhead in or get an angling plate or get reangled exhaust manifold made.


tilted mi's seem to be very frouned upon on this forum, with good reason, as you will suffer worse oil surge if it is tilted

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The reason the engine is often tilted is because when un-tilted the exhaust manifold fouls the bulkhead.


There are various ways of getting round this problem and one is to tilt the engine with an extended lower mount which is puported to lead to oil surge problems and the like, however some people don't mind it. Either way its regarded as a bit of a bodge. Others include:


Fitting a manifold re-angling plate, placed between head and manifold to alter the angle so that it just clears the bulkhead. The downpipe still needs to be cut and rewelded though.


Cutting and re-welding the mi16 exhaust manifold at an angle to give clearance. Can lead to cracks etc.


Fitting a 4-2-1 exhaust system such as the Maniflow manifold/downpipe specially made to give clearance.


These all allow the engine to run at it's natural angle. You'll need to fit a standard lower mount if your engine is indeed tilted. :D

Edited by richsmells

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an uprated lower mount (ie Grp N or Grp A lower Engine Mount) is also recommended mate (it wont have holes in the rubber if its uprated)

Edited by DaveK

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Guest llolyg

Thanks for all the replies guys, i'll keep you posted.

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all you need to do it cut/grind away the fan surround or buy a shortened inlet manifold (for inlet clearance)


tilting does nothing for inlet manifold to radiator clearance, makes it worse if anything. Its just done to make the exhaust manifold clear the bulkhead.


tilted mi's seem to be very frouned upon on this forum, with good reason, as you will suffer worse oil surge if it is tilted


I don't think thats true either, tilted Mi16s have bad gearchanges (especially into second under accelleration) and its very likely that the driveshafts will wear a bit faster although even that doesn't seem too pronounced.


I'm not defending tilting, its not the way to do things, but almost all 2.0 turbo engines are tilted and no on says a word for some reason, but as soon as an Mi16 is tilted its the end of the world.

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