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Man The Lifeboats!

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This isn't one of those 'my 205 GTi leaks like the CIA, but where?' threads, I've suddenly discovered that my '92 Phase 2 1.6 has a completely blown seal around the rear wheel arch on the drivers side. This has the effect of filling up the drivers side 1/4 panel like a sink. The water literally is forced in when the back wheel goes through standing water. You can put your hand against the rear 1/4 panel and push it out by a millimetre from the rear arch.


i want to reseal it but... how... it will be an absolute bastard to seal to a decent standard. I'll have to clean inside the arch completely and wipe it down with some solvents before attempting to reseal it, so I'd like it to work.


So what sealer? Money no object?

Edited by eob

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H. I can't help but just thought I'd say that my previous 1.9 was the same and I ended up stripping it and keeping the parts as it was one shell problem too far. Mine had been in a small rear end ding so I think that it must have damaged the passenger rear quarter and someone did a dodgy repair. A few months of driving over London speed bumps slowly caused the panel to come away and when I stripped it out I found that it had been sealed up with common white silicone sealant.

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My shell is minty fresh so no worries there. I just need to reseal that arch. Couldn't believe how bad it was! It'll take an age and a day to seal it too :P

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Silicone sealer is no good. You want a polyurethane seam sealer (e.g. Tigerseal), that stuff is really, properly sticky!


I have done exactly the same repair before, I just put a thick bead of sealer on the inside of the wheelarch and worked it into the gap until it appeared out of the other side and smoothed it over. Never came loose again in the following few years that I had the car.

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I'm with Jonah on this one - Tigerseal all the way!


It'll not only seal it, but bond it back together too, to prevent it splitting again. Any single componant PU sealer would do really, but Tigerseal is my personal favourite.

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