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Guest andyfitz

Steering Rack Woes

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Guest andyfitz

hi guys,


My car judders alot at about 60MPH upwards, it's not the wheel balencing, I think there's a problem with my steering rack.


I jacked the car up in the air and got hold of the wheel to turn the rack on full lock both ways, you can feel heavy juddering as you turn the rack, this is not right is it?


Every other car iv'e worked on has been smooth when you turn the rack in this way, im not very experianced with the 205 iv'e never worked on one before, im sure this is not right.


Secondly when I am driving I get an annoying squeek, this is every turn of the wheel, it gets worse when I am steering left or right, could this be related to the rack or is it my top mount bearings?

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Guest andyfitz

no one ever turned a pug steering rack in the air?


please people i need to know wether to buy another rack, surely someone knows!



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For the sake of £26 and an hours work just change it!



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My car judders alot at about 60MPH upwards, it's not the wheel balencing,


Secondly when I am driving I get an annoying squeek, this is every turn of the wheel, it gets worse when I am steering left or right


sounds like a knackered wheel bearing causing both problems to me. do both front wheels rotate freely and smoothly? try getting hold of each front wheel and moving it about to check for play.


the racks do judder a fair bit if you turn a whel by hand so I dont think thats your problem.

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Juddering at speed must be coming from something that rotates with the wheel. When you're driving in a straight line nothing in the steering rack is moving, so the fact that it judders when you turn the wheel from lock to lock is purely coincidence.


So since you've ruled out wheel balancing, it could be a wheel bearing; flat spot on tyre; buckled wheel; bent hub; warped brake disc or disc not seated flat on the hub; (possibly) driveshaft. Or in an extreme case, if there is a lot of play in one of the steering / suspension components, it could be amplifying any small amount of wheel imbalance, but I've never known this to happen.

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Guest andyfitz
For the sake of £26 and an hours work just change it!




Were can I get a steering rack for £26?

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as u turn the wheel in the air if it goes stiff and loose itll be the knuckle joint.


if theres movement in the rack you will see this when in the air with steering lock on, u can move the road wheel slightly left n right, hold the track rods and see if u can feel it.


the annoying squeek could be top mounts, or the knuckle may be siezing.


try swapping front wheels with back wheels to eliminate a wheel problem.

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Guest andyfitz

Will try that tonight inferno.


COuld do with getting this sorted it's doing my head in ;)

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Were can I get a steering rack for £26?


I'm want to know too! as mine is v.slack and on 190k

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Belper autotech £26 exchange. It's the place near me that I always use, I questioned it when he said the price but it's right!



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