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Guest thug_life_inc

Oil Leak

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Guest thug_life_inc

Hi everyone, I have an oil leak from the stick where You check the level of the oil. When I drive the car after I stop, there is oil over the air filter, it is not much, few drops, but it is coming out from the pipe of the stick. What should be the cause of that?


Thank You in advance!


Oh and another thing, can someone tell me about the Oil Presure Meter, how much should it show? on the high way driving with 100km it shows barely 1, when the car is stoped, with out preasure on the engine, it show 0 or somethin(I mean whe the car is working, but not moving, sorry for the bad english)???



Edited by thug_life_inc

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The oil "dipstick" should have a rubber seal around the top/handle that just pushes into the top of the tube when you replace the dipstick. This prevents the engine coughing up oil everywhere.


When the car is driving the guage should show at least half, it may show slightly less as the oil gets hot and becomes less viscous resulting in lower pressure. When the car is stationary, but the engine is running, the pressure will be low as the engine is not revving. It's perfectly normal for the guages to be a bit wrong, this can be due to connections between the sensor and guage or a dodgy sensor itself. Take the readings with a pinch of salt.


As long as the red stop light doesn't come on, you will be ok! :P

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Buy a new dipstick. This is a common problem.

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Guest thug_life_inc

Thanks guys, someone told me somethin about the gazes from the oil carter, is this is the proper word, oil container at the bottom of the engine. These gazes move trough some piipes which I have to check. Is there a such thing or is it bulls*it?



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