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Mi Oil Piping

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I've been looking at lots and lots of old threads about replacing the old Mi oil piping with a simpler set up involving a catch tank and custom filler. I've settled on the setup as shown in the (incredibly crap) diagram below.




A couple of questions:


1) The bottom pipe is about 1 meter long - will the vapour make it to the catch tank? I'm thinking that there is no longer any vacuum that the original pipe to the inlet used to provide.


2) The bottom pipe goes slightly down before coming back up to the catch tank - is oil likely to pool here and what problems might that lead to?


Any thoughts? :)

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Och somebody answer this, I've been waiting for days.

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I believe you should have the vacuum pipe attached the the catch tank in a high postition & the drain pipe should be attached to the catch tank at it's base ie: 3 pipes in total.

It would be ideal to have the drain pipe run straight down without it travelling back up.

A small filter inline with the vacuum pipe is also ideal.

I am no expert on this so it's just my understanding of this concept, hope it helps.

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