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8v Or 16v Wiring

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Im finally gettin myself a Mi16 engine from one of the guys on the forum and ive got a query about the wiring.


Been doing alot of searching and it seems that using the 8v loom is an easier fit as it doesnt need as much modification, but in all reality is it that much more complicated to fit the mi16 wiring?


Ive never done any wiring of any sort in a car before so it will be a completely new job to me and i suspeect that it will take me days of looking for diagrams and gettin my head around it


Cheers for your comments


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Don't use the Jetronic 8v loom, one of the main advantages of the conversion for me was having motronic as its sooo much better than crappy jetronic.

It really isn't that hard to do.


Edited by Banjo

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Not sure on the pro's and con's on the 2 sets of wiring, but I have made my loom up to run the mi16 motronic system. Never having attempted any wiring before or reading wiring diagrams I was suprised that it was easier than i thought it would be. Get all the info you can find about making the loom and have a go, If i can do it anybody can.



Edited by Ren

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The wiring really isn't hard to do & for the amount of difference it makes to the engine running on the correct system its more than worth it.


There are only about 6 cuts & splices to make to do the swap.



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thanks guys, ill go with the mi16 loom then

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