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Heater Fan Not Working

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I thougt read topic on this but can't find any...



Anyways my heater fan has stopped working. (apart from the other day when it worked for 5 mins).


I checked the motor and it works fine when fed with current direct from teh battery. However there seems to be less then a volt being supplied to the heater from the feed.


So what the deal? Do I have to change the whole of that circuit board and switch/resistor? housing for the 3 dials?? where the 3 dials sit in?





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laser green 1.9

Never had to do it but I'm sure you can just replace the resistor. It's always been the fan motor that has packed up on me. B)

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Never had to do it but I'm sure you can just replace the resistor. It's always been the fan motor that has packed up on me. B)



Cheers...I did a better search...I'll try to get a price on the resistor board and see what happens..

Edited by christopher

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