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Guest BrainFluid

Converting A Non Turbo To A Turbo Question.

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Guest BrainFluid

Okay. Were talking a diesel hypothetical engine here.


After getting a better look at an engine after taking a head of and replacing the head gasket I've come to a conclusion that I'm hoping someone could clarify.


If you were to take a non turbo engine and you wanted to make it a turbo'ed one, would you just need to replace the cylinder head with one from a turbo engine? (with turbo etc attached)


I ask because I've noticed that the price of a non turbo diesel engine is less than a turbo diesel one you see and if I ever wanted to upgrade to a larger engine I could spend less on the engine as I've already got 2 turbo diesel cylinder heads.





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Okay. Were talking a diesel hypothetical engine here.


After getting a better look at an engine after taking a head of and replacing the head gasket I've come to a conclusion that I'm hoping someone could clarify.


If you were to take a non turbo engine and you wanted to make it a turbo'ed one, would you just need to replace the cylinder head with one from a turbo engine? (with turbo etc attached)


I ask because I've noticed that the price of a non turbo diesel engine is less than a turbo diesel one you see and if I ever wanted to upgrade to a larger engine I could spend less on the engine as I've already got 2 turbo diesel cylinder heads.






I used to have a N/A diesel and looked into this; the short answer is no.

You will need a TD fuel pump, various electrical gubbings I never understood (probably just wires ;) ), exhaust front pipe and plus Peugeot always led me to believe that the coolant systems are slightly different on the two engines. I presume the turbo oil feed and drain pipes plug into the head so that wouldn't be a problem but I'm not sure if the pistons are the same. There may be lots of other minor differences like oil and coolant pumps.


Would be interesting to see it done, but I wouldn't do it myself. I've also phoned lots of people and never come across anyone who has ever done it, or anyone who could tell me if it was possible, they all thought I was mad :( Mind you most people think you're mad for liking diesel engines :lol:

I kind of miss mine over my GTi, they just don't feel the same :( Probably not helped by my naff clutch though :P

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Guest BrainFluid

Lols. Us rare diesel pennies huh.


Yeh I knew the injector pump would need changing and the exaust etc but with regards to the coolant waterways I was presuming that they would be the same as I would have thought that they would use the same block and every thing in it, pistons etc.




Come to think of it the turbo engine has a hole in the block at the back to supply the turbo with oil, but maybe you could drill and tap a hole where its meant to be.


hmm thinking about it now in the clear light of day its probably to much work / hassel in the end.



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