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Are All Xu Oil Pumps The Same?

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I am rebuilding my Mi16 and bought a new oil pump on Ebay the other day - now I know I'm maybe doing things in the wrong order (!) but better to check now having bought it than later when its all installed!


Anyway, the pump was listed as fitting all GTI / Mi16 models but is that correct, i.e. the Mi16 doesn't have a higher capacity pump fitted or anything like that does it?


Cheers, Sam

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Be careful of the aftyermarket pumps as with most Recon parts they might not be for the right engine, Check the number of teeth on the drive wheel. Personally I would have checked the old one over and reused that one if OK

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Be careful of the aftyermarket pumps as with most Recon parts they might not be for the right engine, Check the number of teeth on the drive wheel. Personally I would have checked the old one over and reused that one if OK


Cheers, the 8v engine I had died of low pressure so not really keen on that pump (but yeah, I know it could have been a worn bottom end causing pressure loss). I also have a pump of unknown origiin in the donor Mi engine so will closely compare this to the pump I bought on ebay - though it claims to be brand new from "autopumps"? You can probably still see the auction detail at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1


Anyway, cheers for the advice I will check it all carefully before building



Edited by saml666

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Ahhh - you bought that one did you.


Paid a bit over the odds in my opinion, but it should be alright - as Miles says, just check the teeth are the same and that it's not been stored in the damp, and if it's OK use it. The new oilpump I've got for my Mi is also an Autopumps one that I bought from QEP a couple of years ago and that appears fine...

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Paid a bit over the odds in my opinion


Not exactly an Ebay mega-bargain but saved a few quid compared to over-the-counter

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