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Mi16 Overfueling/misfire

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Been having a fiddle with an mi16 again after defecting to the dirty world of TUs for a while, been reminded why I left :)


The mi16 in question is pretty much new, has all new ignition components, new temp sender,recon afm etc and is really shiney...shame it doesnt work!


It misfires when you open the throttle thou it idles fine, and after runing for 5mins or so the plugs are black as hell. Obviously i thought "temp sender" but its a new temp sender and ive checked the wiring and its getting a sensible reading at the ECU plug.


I did have one thought, does the 3row loom use sequential injection and will it bugger it if you plug the injectors on wrong?

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I've got a similar problem right now.....might check temp sender.


I can't rev the car above 3800rpm, its like its hitting the limiter. But ironically for an Mi, it idles really well! If I try and give it a bootful it misses and bogs down badly too....no firing at all.


AFAIK the injectors batch fire so it doesn't make a difference which way round they are.

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i think all mis batch fire iirc


have you tried swapping cas? and are all the plugs black?


is it on 16v loom?

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Could be the ignition amplifier perhaps?

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Kitch - defo check the temp sender before all the other stuff, or more likely the wires between the temp senders and the ecu.


All the plugs are very black, thou it doenst chuck huge clouds of smoke out like my mi did, apparently they changed the crank sensor for a scrappy one at 9am on sat, but i was in an alcoholic coma at that point so dont know for sure.


All the two row mi16s batch fire the injectors, but the 3 row ones fire them in pairs, but ive never done a 3row one before B)


Huxley - cheers but the ingition module is brand spankers too.

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Could it be an air leak after the AFM? I had this sort of problem and it turned out to be rubber pipe between the afm and inlet manifold, it had come off around the bottom so would idle ok then when you tried to rev it it would do the sort of thing your saying.

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I'll check the temp sender, its one of the few things I haven't eliminated :)


I changed my ign amp today for a brand new one and the problem is 10x worse! I've noticed it only does it when hot aswell, first thing this morning it was fine. Maybe temp sensor sounds likely then?

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How about checking the afm resitance? i can't remember off hat but should be one way then the other depending if on/off throttle


If it only does it when hot id either say temp sensor or coil/ht leads but seeing as you've already changed them hmm

Edited by huxley309

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I haven't tried the leads yet....they're fairly new but it screams king lead arcing out!


I have another AFM I could try, not sure how well setup it is though

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Just changed the king lead for another and the problem got much better....still does it intermittantly though.


I've ordered some new leads for it, and I'll do dizzy cap and arm tomorrow as they were only cheap intermotor ones fitted about 2yrs ago.


Fingers crossed - hijack over lol!

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Just to say I think I found the cause of the misfire...






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Good news on finding the cause of the misfire. What though, caused that to happen to the dizzy cap?

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Seems one of the rotor arm bolts flew off.....i always threadlocked mine after mine also decided to do this not to mention destroying the dizzy cap along with it


Thank god for coilpacks is all i can say B)

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