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Zx/s16 Drivetrain Parts

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I stripped a ZX16v some time ago for its heart, i also kept the driveshafts, whole struts/legs and brakes etc. Are these any different to the S16 parts? Does anyone know what can be put on a 205? I beleive the brakes can be used as they are bigger, would i have to use the carriers and hubs too?


I have a pair of 309 wishbones and am after some driveshafts to go with them, and wondered about the ZX ones, although could be too long?


Any help/advice would be much appreciated :D



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This might well be wrong, but I think the zx16v has the same components as the s16.

Then the hubs are effectively 1.9 items and you'll be able to use the brakes on any 1.9 (or base model) hubs. You'll need the carriers of course.

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Hubs + brakes will fit 1.9 shafts.


Drive shafts are longer than 309 ones and will be no good with 309 wishbones.

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Cheers guys, very helpful!! Thought i would've heard about the ZX shafts already if they were suitable! Nevermind! :)

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is this 16v not the lairy 167bhp model with the dual tract inlet?drive shafts are the same as a 306dt apart from the dt ones being thicker if thats any help

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is this 16v not the lairy 167bhp model with the dual tract inlet?drive shafts are the same as a 306dt apart from the dt ones being thicker if thats any help


Dual inlet tract would be right, but it's around 155bhp not the later 167 (GTi6 spec) engine that doesn't have the dual inlet tract. I want to use the driveshafts on a 205 with 309 arms, so not much help to me but thanks anyhoo! :P


Heard that BX gti driveshafts may be of equal length so have to try that one as might widen the search for some!!

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i have a good pair ov bx 16v shafts... :P

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