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Beam Lowering

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Hi all i basically want to know how much to lower the beam. is one big spline gonna be ok?

I know it needs a wash but it's enbarrasing anyway when its clean due to being sat like a dragster lmao.


I want to go from this:




to match the front at this:




Thanks for your time. the front is -30mm btw



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i allways thought that -1 spline was -30mm in hieght

so one spline is 30mm in hieght.


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Yeah, it's ~30mm... one spline would probably match that up and is the easiest way of lowering it...

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sound thanks guys

will pst piccys up the weekend when its washed and levelled




oh just a side note. could the rear ride height be contributing to my understeer?



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I found 1 large spline was more like 50-60mm height difference, but I'll be interested to see how you get on.


oh just a side note. could the rear ride height be contributing to my understeer?
Perhaps in some theory, but in practice not really. Its far likely to be something else.

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Guest smokinslim

Surely with the car nosedivin so to speak, the center of gravity of the car is further forward than it should be.

The back end used to kick out far too easy when mine was like that.

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Surely with the car nosedivin so to speak, the center of gravity of the car is further forward than it should be.

The back end used to kick out far too easy when mine was like that.



oh god that means i've got even more understeer to look forward to. damn spax dampers.

Cheers anyway guys.

as said will post pics up when i have done it. look forward to seein my 205 on the bumpstops lol if i lose count of the splines :angry:




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No, that means more oversteer! :P

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how do you figure that? although i would love more oversteer. he was saying his back end used to flik out more when the rear was higher? so this would mean mine will stay glued to the road more when i lower it?

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