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Guest BrainFluid

Has Anyone Seen Or Owned The 205 Stdt With The Factory Fitted

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Guest BrainFluid

I know it s a long shot and I'm sure yer all starting to get bored of my seemingly endless ammout of posts...


But is there anyone out there who has seen or owned one of the 205 STDT's with the factory fitted Intercooler?


This is listed as the XUD7TE engine not just the Normal XUD7T one.


I'm particulaly interested because I'm presuming that if one was fitted there would be no need to to worry about invalidating the insurence because it could have had one when made.


Theres very little about it on the web but there is one review of it which states that it takes the BHP up from 72bhp to a wopping 115bhp.


I'm trying to research exactly where they would have put it. If it would be on top of the engine without a vent and using one of the under the bonnet liners like the 1.9 xud9 engines use of if it was mounted somewhere else?


Heres hoping! I know that its a long shot though.



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I would assume that it would be mounted on top of the engine like the 1.9TDs. I don't think any of the UK STDTs had these fitted. I've never heard of it anyway. If you are going to go to the trouble of retro fitting an intercooler then I would fit it at the front of the engine near the rad somehow like the Citroen 1.9TDs are fitted. That way it has some decent airflow through it and is not being constantly heated from the heat of the engine. You would have to declare any mods to your insurance company whatever you do so you might as well mount it in the optimum place.

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Guest BrainFluid

Yeh there pretty rare.


Reading up on it revealed that the 205 Sports Trim Turbo Diesel was not available in France at all, but thats not to say that the STDT was exclusive to Britain.


Same with the intercooler which could have been fitted in the factory to any of the STDT 205's not that many were! Like I mentioned, this is what made the XUD7TE an xud7te...


If it were factory fitted to the car when it was made do you think that would have gone on the paperwork?


Really I'm after a 100% verdict on where it would have been placed if it had of been factory fitted but your right 888, of all the reading up on intercoolers that I've done on this site the general reccomendation seems to be 'put it under and behind the rad'.



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I don't think the uk 205 TD's were ever fitted with the intercooler as standard. The 309 was though & the 405 had the XUD7TE fitted originally.


I have seen a 205 with the intercooler fitted in the factory location but that had a XUD9TE engine fitted & there was one at Pugfest in 2004 with a 2.1 with it there but he had an auto bonnet fitted iirc.


I had been thinking of doing this on mine but every intercooler I saw on a 405 at my local scrapyard had one of the corner fitting smashed off or some of the pipes missing.


For the jump from 72bhp to 115bhp will take a lot more than fitting an intercooler & adjusting the fuelling though imo. Gav @ the derv doctor might be able to give some more info on this though as he has done some fettling on a 205 STDT before afaik.



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Guest BrainFluid

If you mean one of these...


...I got one that came with the car seperate. Ive checked and the manifold fits the TD head.


Comes with no piping but you can have it if you like pugtorque. I dont fancy having one on top of the engine, just let me know if you do, I zoom past scotch corner every 2 weeks.



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Henry Yorke

IIRC the Rover 418 turbo diesel was the PSA 1.8 engine with an intercooler fitted

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If you mean one of these...


...I got one that came with the car seperate. Ive checked and the manifold fits the TD head.

Yeah, it will fit the head, I think all XUD heads have the same bolt spacings.


Thanks for the offer but I'm about 50 miles from Scotch corner but where doyou zoom past it to?


I'm not sure how long I'm keeping my STDT atm.

IIRC the Rover 418 turbo diesel was the PSA 1.8 engine with an intercooler fitted
They do & so did the later 309 TD's afaik.



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Guest BrainFluid

Yeh, I took a look a the the map. I thought that Skipton was north of Ripon not west of it!


So Ripon is my destination, s'where my two eldest & my Da live.


Acutally, I've arraged to pick up some headlights etc this week near Preston so I'll be zooming past Skipton too.


That'll be on Thursday.


Your call dude.



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ak 205

Brainfluid- do u still require pictures of the engine bay of a 418TD as the brother in law has just brought 1,


I my self am thinking/have possesion of a Xantia Front mounted cooler & am going 2 try & fit that

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