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Mi Wiring

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Down to the last few wires on the loom connections and have hit a snag..... found wire 112 (RPM) on the 205 plug but cannot find it on any of the mi wires.... is it a different number? i believed they were both 112..........?



And as for that big fat red wire from the 205 side of the loom is there one on the mi ...... if not where does it go?


One last one i can think off how about the ECU power one from the mi ( blue thick one from black connector)


Cheers everyone!!



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Hmm no replies odd :D still struggling with it a bit ........ :P

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Dont know the 405 loom but thick blue wire sounds like it goes onto the battery (at the fuesebox/distro block on the slam panel).


Dunno about the rev counter wire, but look at the spreadsheet everyone quotes when doing mi wiring.


Thick red wire from the 205 loom is switched live i think.

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Down to the last few wires on the loom connections and have hit a snag..... found wire 112 (RPM) on the 205 plug but cannot find it on any of the mi wires.... is it a different number? i believed they were both 112..........?



take it to the spare coil -12v (iirc)

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