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jack biscuit

Are My Pistons The Right Way Round?

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jack biscuit

Ok, 1.6 gti, changing head gasket.. removed the head and started inspecting.. everything is looking pretty good.. but what's this? i look at the piston crowns and each is marked with DIST and an arrow pointing towards the cambelt end of the engine.. there's no distributor on that side!


The engine is an alleged reconditioned unit 20 odd thou miles ago, were these pistons replaced the wrong way around? I'm not au fait enough with these lumps yet to know for sure, for all i know these pistons could be used in another type!


i'm assuming someone buggered up, can you let me know for sure?


thank you good people <_<

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As I been learnt the arrow must point at the cambelt end. The word DIST is something in french at that end. Not distributor.



Regards kent

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jack biscuit

Thank you very much Kent, i neglected to remember that everything else is marked up in french!


problem solved..!


And thanks to you too pacey.

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A little logic and common sense will allow you to ignore markings on the top of pistons.


The D shape on a 205 piston must match the D shape in the combustion chamber.


The big valve cutouts on a 16v engine must match the inlet valves on the head.

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jack biscuit

yep, i just don't have the head with me at the moment, it's up at the lock up and it was raining.. i'm lazy sometimes, not thick. Even though i managed to prove i can miss the obvious, such as assuming 'dist' was english.

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Rafe Dent

Time for a French lesson:


Distributor = delco, which is also a make

Courroie distribution = cam belt


To a frenchman DIST is obvious, to the rest of the world not so. In-built protectionism, or accidental confusion?


Normalement, en France .......

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jack biscuit
Time for a French lesson:


Distributor = delco, which is also a make

Courroie distribution = cam belt


To a frenchman DIST is obvious, to the rest of the world not so. In-built protectionism, or accidental confusion?


Normalement, en France .......



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