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Passenger Door Pin Switch

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I need to find the wires that go to the pin switch that controls the interior light. It appears that when the alarm was installed the wires came off the back of the switch and I can't see them. Any idea what colour they would be and if it is possible to access them behind the panel somehow? Maybe by taking the trim off etc. I don't want to pull through the wrong ones and end up disconnecting something else.


P.s I have been on here for a couple of years but haven't posted in ages.

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Can't help with the colour, but the right wire should have a small number 40 printed on it. It ends in a single spade connector which plugs into the swich. The switch itself is earthed to the chassis.


If you remove the trim in the footwell then you might be able to put your hand in and feel for the wire.

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Cheers mate I will have a ruttle around.

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