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205 Gti

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Did the 205 gti in any time of its production have an electronic or automatic gearbox fitted to the 1.9 Gti engine ??

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Did the 205 gti in any time of its production have an electronic or automatic gearbox fitted to the 1.9 Gti engine ??


from what ive heard only the japenesse models had it.


been talked about in another topic concerning the gentry "gti" on ebay

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Guest pugpowa

i think there was a limited run of them that didnt sell in japan, and made there way over here, this definitely happened with some 309's, they crop up on ebay sometimes, as mentioned before the 1.9 engine was used in the gentry, although with a lower compression ratio and a cat i believe. a friend of mine used his gentry engine in one of his gti's after summat happened to the gentry, it was all converted to manual, full stainless magnex+kn filter and made 111bhp on the rollers. not sure about the engines in the auto gti's tho.

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mmmm because got a hand on a write off 205 gti engine but the owner said it had an automatic transmission, and was concerned bout it, but as long as the parts are good and fit the normal 1.9 Gti engine it's no problem to me :wacko:

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Yeh they did do some, as mentioned its the 105bhp low compression engine. Do a search for more information, but iirc:

-small valve head with mild cam, different from normal 1.6/1.9 gti stuff

-coil on wing not inlet mani, unlike p2 205s

-same inlet and exhaust mani as 1.6/1.9gti engine

-jetronic with lambda control for cat

-top rad hose has pipes going to heat exchanger on top of autobox.

-Slow as feck.

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So engine parts are not directly swappable ???? :wacko::(:angry:

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Depends what bits your talking about, its all he same series engine, so u could bolt a 130bhp engine onto that box or a manual box onto that engine, and the blocks are the same. Pistons are different thou, putting a 130bp head on that block gives a crazy compresion ratio.

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mm ok then i have to double check on what to do if you come across any info regarding this engine please post.

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