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More Idle Problems

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hi ive read throug a few topics on idleing problems, i have a 1900 gti on a k plate, the car starts first time every time an ticksover at 2300rpm for about 10-20 secs an wen the autochoke turns of the revs jus die instantly an the car cuts out, restarts fine but have to keep reving to stop it dieing same wen driving wen i slow down the revs drop and it stalls, but once its warmed up it will tickover on its own fine at 1100rpm, could anyone give me some advice or clues on what to change or look for cheers.

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Air leaks, fueling, ecu temp sensor.

Whip the spark plugs out and check what colour/condition they are, they tell you a lot and will give you an idea where to start.

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thanks for the reply, by air leak do you mean a split pipe or a hole, because ive jus made the dy induction shortner an the clips didnt realy hold the spigots in properly an i think there could be a tiny gap would that be enough to cause it, could i use silicon sealant or somthing to help the seal or can u get a rubber glue or similar. cheers

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Guest Az_GTi

Could be a few things really. Did you have idle problems before?


I had similar problems but it's not so bad now, here's a post that a member here posted to me, it might help you...


If the idle is hunting then first of all try giving the throttle body and AFM a good clean with carb cleaner, set the idle speed to around 900rpm warm with full electrical load and check the idle mixture (it's probably too rich). That's cured the hunting idle on most of my 205's over the years...


HT leads and dizzy cap/arm get from GSF (they're both pretty cheap) and get a known good AFM second hand from someone on here - they're silly money to buy even from a motorfactors let alone Peugeot.


The cheapest method i found that help lumpy idle was the following


-purchase a can of carb cleaner from local motor factors (2.50)

-remove all intake piping, afm, oil breather pipes.

-blast everything with carb cleaner and use a tooth brush to remove gunk.


- spray carb cleaner into throttle body, lifting butterfly valve at the same time.


-ensure the screw that holds the oil filler to the inlet manifold is tight (this can be a major source of air leak)


-put everything backtogether making sure everything is tightend up.


If you still have problems i found the following helped:-


Spark Plugs - 10 quid

Rotor arm - 3quid

Dizzy cap - 7quid

HT leads - 15quid

Air filter (standard) - 4quid ish

These can all be had from your local motor factor


I also changed the Coil but only because the old one looked very very old.


I found that changing the ECU temp sensor located under the dizzy cap improved MPG a lot. About 5mpg in my case. Also try a product called D-Tox from halfords. Its 14.99 but is extremley powerful stuff.


I have fitted a K&N 57i kit, this has helped the breathing. 1100rpm is a little high really, should be about 1000, guess if you reduce the idle speed its just more likely to stall as things are :wacko::( Good luck.

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thanks for that mate ive got it sorted now, the bolt which holds the oil filler to the inlet manifold was missing, put one in an adjusted my tickover sits a 950rpm all the time now. thanks again.

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