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Guest Pug2112

No Airbox!

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Guest Pug2112

I went to see a Miami Blue 1.6 GTI advertised locally. Everything was clean inside and out and it drove quite nicely - but it didnt have an airbox (so no air filter at all!!). I asked the owner and he said it drives better this way. This really put me off the car. So I walked away. Would having no airbox affect the engine in anyway??

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An air filters there for a reason, let air into the engine and keep debris out. It only takes a small pebble or something similar to get flicked up and sucked in. When it does then somethings going to go crunch.

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An air filters there for a reason, let air into the engine and keep debris out. It only takes a small pebble or something similar to get flicked up and sucked in. When it does then somethings going to go crunch.



It may be faster - but not for long! :)

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I wouldn't buy a car from anyone stupid enough to do something like this. It says a lot for how the rest of the car must be maintained and cared for - or not as the case may be!

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Its not so much pebbles but the fine dust that will be the biggest problem. It will be sucked in and grind the internals of the engine. Longer it has run like this the worse the engine wear.


I wouldn't say no straight out, changing an engine isn't the end of the world if you are handy with a spanner as engines are quite cheap but if you are to buy then you will need to factor this potential cost/hassle into the price.



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I asked what effect this had when I found out someone I knew with a Nova had been running it without an airbox or filter, the answer was something along the lines of "there's no better way to rebore an engine". That said, if you know your stuff and the car seems fine anyway go for it, might not be too late. Have to say though, like glpoomobile said, if someone's dumb enough to be running a car without an air filter, it makes you wonder how the rest of the car was looked after. He's probaby been using cooking oil for brake fluid or something similaar :wacko:

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lol, should of asked him what bhp it was, he would of proabably said "due to no air filter" its added 40 bhp.

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