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1.9 Rear Hubs

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I am in the process of putting some 1.9 stub axles and hubs into a good 1.6 beam. While I was removing the 1.9 hubs from the stub axles some of the ball bearings fell out. I found them all, but before re-assembling I thought it would be an idea to clean them up and put new grease in the hubs.


My question is what grease do people normally use for rear wheel bearings? I have some Castrol LM grease, will that be OK?


Secondly when I put the 1.9 stub axles in the 1.6 beam, what torque value should I use on the hub nut to ensure the stub axle seats correctly? I thought I could overtighten the hub nut to get the stub axles to seat correctly, then slacken it off and retighten to the correct torque.


I have access to a press at work, would it be better to use the press to install the 1.9 stub axles in the trailing arms rather than knocking them in with a hammer and then overtightening the hub nut to get the stub axle to seat?





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AFAIK the grease you want for the bearings is a multi purpose grease, Haynes says Duckhams LB10 so the LM grease should be fine.


IIRC when you initially fit the stub axles into the arms you are supposed to torque them up to 300lbft to seat them fully home & then the actual wheel bearing torque is 150lbft. ( I think I read this in the rally build manual). BUt if you have use of a press that would be better still imo.



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I never realised that was in the build manual...


It says:


"Torque the rear hub nut to initial torque of 220lb/ft and then using a suitable drift make sure the stub axle pin is fully driven home in the trailing arm. Slacken off the hub nuit, re-torque to 180lb/ft and peen over the nut."





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220lbft? Jesus... ;)

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220lbft? Jesus... :lol:



What were you torquing your hubs to?

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what is known in the trade as FT lol

Edited by pugrallye

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