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Xu9ja/z Piston Rings, Main & Big End Shells

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I am after some piston rings, main and big end bearing shells for my 1.9 CAT XU9JA/Z engine, can anyone on this forum supply them? or know anyone how can for a good prce?


I am rebuilding this engine and planning on running a turbo with it and ditching the cat, from what i hear this engine would be good for a turbo conversion as it is slightly lower cr to non cat 1.9 engines. The head looks exactly the same as any other 1.6 or 1.9 head, It looks to me as if the dish on the top of the pistons lowers the cr, am i right?


Has anyone else tried a turbo conversion with this type of engine, the only thing im not 100% sure about is what management to use? anyone have any suggestions, im trying to keep the budget as low as possible.

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