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2.0 Mi16 On 1.9 Management Project

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Ok first of all I won this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...31290%26fvi%3D1.


I plan to put this engine in a very nice 1992 Miami blue 205 GTi. I have done quite a few 1.9 Mi engine swaps now but this one is going to be slightly different. I think i have got quite a bargain with the engine and I have sitting in my garage a 1.9 Mi loom, ecu, air flow meter, idle valve, injectors, a 2.0 s16 exhaust manifold and top engine mount. So im hopefully going to use all these bits on the new 2.0 mi ive got off ebay. I know i will also need a 1.9 inlet manifold, fuel rail, flywheel. I am also wondering if i will need to change the inlet cam to a 1.9 mi one as the rotor arm plate bolts to the end of the 1.9 mi inlet cam, i think the 2.0 mi is different. I am also not going to be using a cat will all this produce slightly more bhp maybe 5-10 bhp without having the cat?


Has anyone done this before? ran a 2.0 mi on 1.9 gear? If they you have what problems did you come across or was it pretty much straight forward?


I have done a search but i couldnt really find a post which has covered exactly what im planning on doin.



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Miles has done this and described exactly what you need to do i'm sure in a few posts.


You need the thermostat housing, inlet cam, maybe the cam cover if you choose. Thats about it really. You can use the 2ltr mi flywheel without problems.


Thats a properly jammy price, i was watching it, but didn't have the cash.

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It's easy and I did mine aroudn 2 years ago, No real problems just


1. Swap the inlet cam

2. Change the Water housing to the Mi one

3. Block the oil drain hole

4. Find the correct engine mounts and Alt brackets

5. Fit 1.9 Cam cover if you want


I was going to use the 2l ECU as it ditches the Cra**y AFM but time got the better of me again

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That's an absolute steal :ph34r:


(wonders how the hell he managed to miss that, as that's exactly what he'd been looking for :wub:)

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i'm running mi16 management on my s16, along with the mi inlet/injectors/ecu/ no cat. swaped the inlet cam, using the alloy rocker cover and running with a 1.6 gearbox with an mi fd.




not alot in it :ph34r: really need to get it RR'd. i've heard using the s16 on mi management (well, basically the setup i'm using and your intending on doing) make good power.

Edited by keith

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Cheers for your replies guys, I couldnt believe i got the lump for that price either, thought it was a wind up but ive spoke to the bloke whos engine it is and its genuine. I had a look to see what parts i have and it looks like all i need a Mi16 flywheel, inlet manifold and thermostat housing. Has anyone on the forum got any of these bits they would like to sell?


Once I get the engine and start work on the car ill put some pics up of it, watch this space.

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Where are the AFM angle police when their needed??


Looks like they'd be interested in your AFM Keith. :ph34r:

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caught at my own game i guess :ph34r:

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What the benefit in this set up? Presume it's just a stronger bottom end?

Edited by ablister

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ali, i'm sure miles will be able to tell you this :ph34r:

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The benefit of this setup for me is the engine is a bargain price and I have amlost all of the parts needed, im sure the 1.9 mi16 manofold and injection setup is better as you dont have those expensive coil packs and acav valves which are prone to failing, I think the 2.0 mi16 exhaust manifold may be easier to fit the exhaust without hitting the bulkhead, also maybe a cast iron block would cope with nos better?

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The good points with this set up is the torque you get, Not so much on the power front but mine always hit the limiter in 5th often without trying.

The engine is stronger due to the Iron block and has less of a crank angle (Less stress on the big ends) and a nice square config (86x86) so it likes to rev well.

Bar that there's nothing in it between the 2 really

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It's easy and I did mine aroudn 2 years ago, No real problems just


1. Swap the inlet cam

2. Change the Water housing to the Mi one

3. Block the oil drain hole

4. Find the correct engine mounts and Alt brackets

5. Fit 1.9 Cam cover if you want


I was going to use the 2l ECU as it ditches the Cra**y AFM but time got the better of me again


What did you use to block the oil drain hole in the side of the head miles? has anyone ever tried to modify the end of the inlet cam to fit the rotar arm drive plate? thinking of a catcams inlet cam, i dont fancy putting a used 1.9 mi cam into a brand new engine :o

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I just made a ally blanking plate which located into the stat housing which I modded to suit, Some good glue around it and never had any problems with it.

I had some Kent cam's in mine so I didn;t have the problem of that

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Cheers for you help so far, I have ordered a catcams inlet cam and will have all of the parts together soon. When I start cracking on with it Ill post loads of pics up here.



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