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Anyone With 306 Dturbo Experience?

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My 306 DTurbo doesn't like starting and it's time I sort out what it is... these are the symptons:


When it's stone cold, i.e. first thing in the morning, I turn the ignition on, wait for the glow plugs to warm up then turn the key... the car turns over a few times, then fires but runs like a b!tch on a mix of 2 or 3 cylinders I reckon. After a 4/5 seconds it gets smooth and all is fine, except the MASSIVE cloud of smoke that it's kicked out.


It doesn't do this once it's warmed up, stopped for a while then started again, although then it can often take a few more turns of the engine before it catches...


Now when I got the car it wasn't the best at starting so I put in a new set of glow plugs and a new fuel filter hoping this would cure the problem, it didn't and it's something I've just put up with for months now...


So, anyone with DTurbo knowledge have any suggetions? Or should I pay a visit to the Dev Doc?




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Sounds like a glow plug or two that's on its way out to me - replace all four and that'll almost certainly fix it. Just be warned that two of them are a complete pig to get at...

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I've already replaced them as a complete set of 4 about 2 months ago and it didn't help at all... and all 4 we removed were fine when we checked them across a battery...


So it doesn't seem that simple :D

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ashley peddle

i have to say that glow plugs sorted my turbo diesel... exactly the same symptoms as yours...

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Maybe I need to try another set then... I fitted a brand new set from GSF a couple of months back...

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Sorry, I missed the bit in your post that said you had replaced the glowplugs :blush: If they're only two months old then they should be fine in all honesty, especially if they didn't change the problem at all when you fitted them.


(just to check though - you did fit them yourself or get someone you trust to do it, yeah? I just ask as some garages only change the two easier ones rather than all four, but naturally claim to have done all four)


Is the car losing water at all Jon? My old STDT started doing this when the headgasket was on it's way out, as water was finding it's way into the cylinders over night and took a few seconds for it to all burn off.


If it's not, then try allowing the glowplugs to warm up as normal, switch the ignition off, and then switch it back on allowing the glowplugs to go through their warming cycle once more - does it then start much easier/cleaner?


The old XUD's I've had have all started a little lumpy when it's been very cold outside that I always put down to them being old-tech diesels, but with new glowplugs they've always started on the button when it's been say above 5 degrees outside.

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mine also doesthis but imyet to change the glowplugs and knowmy turbo needs doing


but priority it letting anthony sort the 205's beam first lol!

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Also add that mine had the same symptoms and a new set of glow plugs sorted it out. I did some googling at the time and some people on one of the 306 forums had had problems with generic glow plugs failing very quickly and recommended Bosch ones - which I got from halfrauds. Never had a problem after that.

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My 405 td does this too. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the plugs continue to heat for about 5 seconds after the light has gone out. Maybe worth waiting a wee bit longer.


Someone also suggested to me there might be an air-leak into the fuel system that takes a wee while to purge before it will run right.

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My old smokey is the same. On cold morning I give it two pre-heats waiting about 5 -10 seconds after the light goes out before turning her over. Starts fine every time like this. Last year I was having real problems starting her, turned out the battery was on its way out, a new heavy duty item sorted things.


Do you get white or black smoke?

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It's white/grey smoke....


To be honest, the starter motor needs replacing as it often sticks... no idea how good the battery is though...


Someone on the PSOOC suggested it could be worn injector seals allowing fuel to drip into the cylinder chamber when left, causeing it to run badly and smoke on startup?!


I have started leaving it about 3/4 more secons after the light has gone out and it's got a little better though... but as I said, the glowplugs have only done around 1500 miles...

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Our 306 DTurbo has exactly the same symptoms as yours Jon, I'm going to fit new glow plugs tomorrow and let you know if it sorts it

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You need to give the old girl at least two blasts with the glow plugs (turn the ignition off and on again). It always started better from cold that way. I just presumed that it was, because I had only replaced the 3 plugs and the 4th was worn out.


It was like that the entire time I owned it. In fact the starter would stick in the summer months right from the start as well. We are talking back to 2003 and 30k ago.


I just learned to live with it.


It should only smoke the first time you boot it each day. After that it will be fine. I've had two other DT's and they were the same.

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Henry Yorke

Head gaskets tend to go around 60k on on these. the other thing I had was that the injectors needed cleaning too and that made a difference to mine. When I sold it to my brother, he put a new stater on it and it was fine. I used to do the old two heat trick beforehand! the other thing that tends to go on the Dt is the glow plug control relay which is behind the battery.

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Head gaskets tend to go around 60k on on these.


Not if they are looked after properly. I reckon this one will be over 150k by now. :o

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What glow plugs did you put in it? Did it initially sort the problem out? As i've heard if it is not decent glow plugs they often go crap again real quick. Put some good plugs in it, i think the beru ones that were fitted to the xantia are pretty good (i was arned off the cheaper alternatives).

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I put GSF ones in... made no difference... leaving it a few seconds longer after the light goes out and going through the warming sequence twice does help, though it's no cure...

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I put GSF ones in... made no difference... leaving it a few seconds longer after the light goes out and going through the warming sequence twice does help, though it's no cure...



would say then that 1 or 2 of the plugs are goosed and not getting up to temperature... the beru ones fitted to the xantia cured this problem from cold starting (on 3 and rough until the accelerator was touched) and a fair bit guff out the back.

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I had this and solved this, get your valves re lapped and new shims. The old dturbs need 2 things to start, heat and compression of around 400psi. If your getting the heat from new plugs then your not getting the compression. 2 blasts on the plugs helps as it wrams the air in the chamber helping to rasie CR. The white smoke on start up is condensation in the chambers, nothing to worry about.

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Cool, so shall I get the compression tested then to see if any of them are low?

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