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TALBOT sport

xu9j4 xu10j4 exhaust valves difference

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TALBOT sport



I bought new exhaust-valves for the xu9j4. I found good price on Mahle valves. Mahle use different partnumbers on ex-valves for 9j4 and 10j4.

9j4 are obsolete. I then bought mahle  031VA30581000 . I thought it was same valves for the engines just different numbers in catalog.


also checked miamistu parts diagram for both enginetypes and the ex valves are same peugeot number.


The measurements are the same. length, width on stem, head

On assembly the keeper grooves are at higher position on the mahle xu10j4 valve.

So the stem-end protrusion is not as high like on the "original" xu9j4 valve. The result is tappet piston sits much closer

to the spring retainer. It doesnt touch the retainer but i dont know if its safe. Looking for advice about what to do.


did the xu10j4 have a different style retainer? Inputs very welcome. maybe someone has experience with this earlier.

thought it was a good idea with those xu10j4 reputable mahle valves


When searching for model specific xu9j4 valves i only found unknown brands.

I uploaded some photos


thank you


Daniel , Sweden







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There is indeed another spring retainer on the XU10J4 (0951.34) but all other parts are the same.

Looking at the link you posted the Peugeot part number is 0949.81 and that's the exhaust valve of some early XU10J4R found on the 605 and 406.

Unlike later engines those used the same tappet and keeper that the older XU10J4 but the retainer was special (0951.35).

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Be careful, even though listed as the correct valve part number, some aftermarket valves have the groove position slightly wrong, resulting in insufficient installed spring height. 

Every XU9J4 and XU10J4 I have pulled apart, all have the same valves and retainers.


At the end of the day, if you haven’t got 85-90lbs of seat pressure, don’t do it.

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