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RHD Euro Rallye

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Hello all, I'm doing some research into my next project. I'd really like a Euro Rallye, the most simple thing to do would be to just buy one but I'm not sure if I could live with a LHD car, although I have no experience actually driving a LHD car. What is your guys experience on this? 


I recently bought a UK Rallye project with the intetions of building it as a Euro Rallye, installing a tu24, gti running gear, going as far as sourcing the dash blank, mirror blank, deleting side repeaters, getting the correct clocks etc. I'm second guessing that decision now - although it would be a great project, and sometimes half the fun is sourcing all these rare parts, there would be far too much time, effort and money spent trying to achieve this. 


I could just get a basemodel 205 and get a nice built Tu3 with carbs/itbs for it but I don't think I'd be happy with the end product as it would just be a modded basemodel and not a proper Rallye, in my opinion. 


Keen to hear what you guys think, has anyone built a similar car or know of any that are similar spec that would possibly be for sale? 


Or any contacts in UK for Euro Rallye parts?





Edited by Robbiedundy

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Tom Fenton

It doesn't take long to get used to LHD over here. As a daily driver then yes it can be tiresome with things like car parks, drive thrus etc. But realistically you probably wouldn't use that car for those uses.

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I think what your trying to build is my car! I've got a UK Rallye, but with all the good bits of the Euro Rallye - Tu24, Webers, gti subframes etc. It really is a great package.


I think you might be overcomplicating things by trying to source a tu24 and things like that, as in I'm not sure you'd notice a massive difference between a spicy tu3 and a tu24 - just make sure you keep the alloy block. The original DCOMs are also a bit of a pain to find anyone who knows anything about them, DCOEs would be much easier.


Your UK rallye project with a hotted up tu, gti front and rear subframes and some Bilstiens would be amazing. You can get the interior pretty close too, gti red carpet, red seatbelts - dash blanks are easy to come by, I have one!

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