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Wiper speed

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Hi I know this subject has been covered in the past but wondering if anyone was able to improve the wiper speed! 

I've fitted the 106 motor and made sure the mechanism is free but the speed is only marginally better than the original 205 motor! I've heard of people fitting a 306, golf and skoda motors but I've never heard if this has made a real difference 

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Leslie green

Did you take apart the spindles and clean /grease them as rust in here slows the motor a lot ?

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Yeah fully stripped 

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Cleaning up/polishing commutator with gray scotch brite pad usually does the trick , as well as re-greasing the motor mechanism as grease tends to be pushed out of it during the years of use .


If not that , it'll likely be bad/oxidized motor wiring .. peel back some wire insulation and have a look if the copper strands are blackened underneath .

Can also try earth bypass directly to battery negative and see what happens , motor earth point is prone to corrosion .


With 106 motor wiper speed does and should improve .



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You can also check how much volts you have at the motor vs at the battery.

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