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406 Sri Turbo XU10J2TE - Wiring and General Advice

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Hi, i've purchased a comple SRi Turbo engine, box, loom, ECU and all ancillaries to fit into my 405. I can see a few people have put this engine into a 205.


Has anyone got any wiring diagrams of the OEM loom that i can use to connect it up to my 405 wiring? Any info would be gratefully received.


When i got the engine i did a compression test and found that cylinders 1, 2 and 3 were low on compression compared to cylinder 4. I've taken the head off and i filled the chambers with petrol and they leaked in to the inlet ports. I've re-seated the valves and dropped the head off to be skimmed.


I doubt if the ECU has been unlocked, does anyone know of anywhere i can get the ECU unlocked?


I want to fit an intercooler but not sure on how this would be piped up. I assume the output from the turbo goes via the intercooler and then to the throttle body?







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The ECU is a MP3.2, same type than the 405 2.0 Mi16 with only a few changes.

The 406 gearbox won't fit as is but a good BE3 can do the job.

Early ECU have a removable EPROM and are easy to unlock, I'm not so sure about the later ones that don't have a keypad.

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Thanks for the reply. I'be got a BE 3 gearbox to use and fitted a MI16 flywheel and clutch already. 


Just need to find the wiring diagram to work out how to connect it to the OEM car wiring.

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What 405 model are you using?

Someone did a XU10J4 >>> XU10J2TE conversion on a 306 and he had only a few wires to repurpose on the original loom. I think it was ACAV solenoid to turbo solenoid and coil pack conversion.

On a mk1 the closest loom should be the later 55 pin Mi16.


Is your Mi16 clutch a mk1 or mk2?

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