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1998 406 Speed Sensor Interface / module ( xu10j2te )

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After a bit of advise regarding the VSS ( speed sensor ) interface module on a Pug 406 - ( engine is going into a 205 )


When i did my last conversion, the small interface box sat under the dashboard and was wired to the VSS on the gearbox.


I'm just doing another conversation and there is no interface module on the donor car ( i have removed every single piece of wiring and connecting boxes )


ive traced the wire back from the VSS and there is a single wire, which i think goes to the speedo.


No interface module though ??


anybody else done a conversion from a 406 and not seen the VSS interface box ( 9 pin small black box )





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You can have a 2 wires sensor or a 3 wires sensor. From memory the 3 wires one is a Hall sensor and the square wave signal goes to both the ECU and the speedo ; the 2 wires sensor output is a sine wave that goes first to the interface box to be transformed into a proper square wave.

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You can alter the wiring easily and use the 3 wire and cable driven VSS, I think its only a 12v switched missing and if I recall I piggybacked off the lambda sensor feed from the double relay.


Did this when I helped fit a V6 into a 306.

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thanks for the reply.


i actually figured it out about 2 hours ago.


The loom off this 406 has the 3 pin vss.


the one I did previously had a 2 pin and the vss module under the dash. 


all the pdfs of wiring I could find for the 406 were the 2 pin vss and the vss amplifier module. 

I found a 306 GTi diagram and that had the 3 pin vss going to the ecu with no need for the amplifier module. Hence this 406 loom is the same. 

one earth, one switched live and one goes to the ecu , but splits off to go to the speedo.. 


so all good.


thanks for the assist. 

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