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Lower engine mount.

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Ive had what felt like an unbalanced wheel but only related  to a certain rev range.  Wheels balanced but was still there. I’ve identified it as a deteriorated lower engine mount which I’m replacing. However the bracket and mounting do not appear to line up. Anyone have any reasons for this that I can correct, maybe? Please see picture below 

Thank you 



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Leslie green

With a new bush it should be fine ,the centre of the bush hss twised as the rubber is gone.. Make sure the new bush goes in the same as the old one as the position isn't obvious when its off the car and sits at an angle.

Edited by Leslie green

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How are the other engine mounts? If this one is in bad shape it should be the same for them.

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I had just finished removing the mounting when i posted. I did not remove the bracket to do this. Since posting  I’ve put the new Quinton Hazel one in. Referring to your post Leslie re position of mount i put it back as it came out, solid bits top and bottom., but now I’m wondering if that was correct and its actually 180 degrees wrong. Please see Youtube vid  attached. I have all the other mounting incl. gearbox so will look at those too as you mentioned in your post. SRDT. 
also theres a rubber washer on the cv shaft  thats floating?  See vid. Thanks for any help 




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Leslie green

Im not near my car and did it a while back but it looks same as other pics of ones I saw on ebay. The rubber bit on the  drive looks like its of the carrier bearing looking at this pic 


Edited by Leslie green

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That looks quite an angle, is the gearbox mounting ok?   There are two holes in some cases.

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Hmm if that rubber washer/bit is off the carrier and given the diagram it is, I need to get it back there. It looks as if its flipped inside out so to speak. Ill give it a go tomorrow. Thanks Leslie. 



Edited by Bremar

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Thanks Welshpug. I have the other mountings so I can check them all tomorrow if my wife lets me go out to play!



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Leslie green

looking at the driveshaft again there is no way that rubber boot could get over the wider diameter collar at the steady bearing so it can't be from there and is maybe something fitted to auto's .

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I have changed both the upper engine and gearbox mounts. All went in satisfactory but that didn't change the  angle of the lower engine mount. I am minded now to either:

1) bend the bracket so at least the mounting holes in the rubber will be at 90 degrees to the mounting itself. This would pull the engine towards the subframe by a few mm. Or 

2) drill 2 new mounting holes and move the bracket across by say 2 cm. This would line every thing up again. 

anyone  done anything like this? 



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Leslie green
Posted (edited)

Is the battery tray being held in with 4 bolts are and all the mounting holes in the tray ok and not bent out of shape , its quite easy to miss the 2 lower bolts out as they are almost impossible to see . The battery tray essentially sets the engine position in these.

Edited by Leslie green

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- what you called a rubber washer on the driveshaft is a splashguard. it should sit flush up against the diff end as you rightly suggest in your video. they usually sit flush happily but can wear down a bit and 'wander' ,so a zip tie would help


- haven't seen the bottom mount bush at an angle like yours before.

if any of the battery tray bolts are missing, (as leslie suggested) the tray will probably crack eventually


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Wow, thanks Leslie, that is a very interesting information ref the 2 vertical and 2 horizontal bolts holding the battery tray. I can not see the horizontal bolts but there is no movement and the tray looks firmly set against the wheelarch area. See photo. I’ve now changed all engine/gearbox mountings and there is very little difference in the angle of that lower mounting bracket. Maybe its an auto gearbox issue cf manual gearbox. 
Thank you Gohn too for that info on the splashguard. Happy knowing that. 

i have yet another question relating to driveshafts for this automatic Gentry model but ill make another post for that 
Thanks again Bremar. 


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Leslie green

I was reading the lower bush should be turned through 90 degrees like you said  for mi16 and gti6 conversions .Sorry I didnt fit mne this way now as the engine appears to move about quite a bit when moving off.will see how it goes when its on the road.

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More of a general question but can people send private messages through this forum as I cant seem to find a say of doing it. They all look public? 


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looking how misaligned that lower mounting is I would be checking the chassis legs, something looks very wrong there.


messaging is easy, speech bubble top right of the page, click that and then hit the box create new, or click on someone's profile and hit the message box.

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Im not bad with old cars and I have checked. There is no sign of accident damage. No creasing etc. as I said Ive replaced the other mounting and they fitted perfectly so really at a bit of a loss. 
but need to do the driveshafts so onwards and upwards. 
thanks again everyone 

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Is the gearbox mounting stud screwed into the wrong threaded boss in the actual gearbox, there are two on manuals? All the autos I have removed have been done without me having a look to see if they also have two threaded bosses. If so Some weightlifter type could have forced it into the rubbers.


I have several times seen the bottom bush not pressed in to the correct depth in the casting causing similar misalignment. Double check that.


Is the subframe misaligned?


I would take the weight off from above, loosen everything including the subframe mountings front and rear, then heave it all about to see if You can correct that misalignment.


If that doesnt help then start looking for whats bent, I have seen bent top mounting brackets, bent bolts, bent subframes, bent subframe mountings, bent gearbox studs, bent chassis legs, bent battery trays and bent inner wings. Trying to correct with drilling offset holes or bending the brackets a bad idea. If I had to bodge for an insistent owner I would press the bush further across rather than drilling or bending.


Hows Your tyre wear patterns?


Those prices are very high, new boots and grease or a new outer joint is what i would do if needed.

Napa is Chicom sh ite  as is Quinton Hazel these days, dont waste Your money. A good brand of mountings is Sasic.

The only good cheaper shafts I have used have been Polish made ones, the brand escapes me but there`s a company on fleabay doing them (dsdriveshafts I looked it up for You), their 1.6 size shafts are free of play and dimensionally accurate.  (if he stocks them) I would risk the 1.9 size ones will be OK too. If not he`s friendly enough and accepts returns. I have no connection with him other than as a repeat customer.


Degrease the driveshaft and build up the shaft diameter with decent insulating tape so the rubber shield is tight to the shaft, they last decades if done with tape. Some shafts dont have the correct diameter there.


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Ref comments relating to “gearbox mounting stud screwed into the wrong threaded boss in the actual gearbox, there are two on manuals?”

I dont understand this reference and the actual location. I’ve attached a picture of the new gearbox mounting and a link to a Youtube video trying to show the automatic gearbox mounting point. I think there is only 1. I guess it was there that I was looking for the 2nd set of holes if they existed ?

thank you all yet again



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Leslie green

 I saw a pic of an auto box and yes there is only one place the stud can mount , on manual gearboxes there are 2 possible locations , I dunno whats wrong but it was there before you got it and may well have been there for many years 

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