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205 barn find... kind off

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So after 10 years standing still i finally found time (or more like energy and health) to start working on my 205 1.6 d6b.
Why did project come to a stand still 10 yrs ago... due to being passanger in a car accident and my health since then isnt the best.

So what did i find out on my initial inspection?
Car ditirioated drasticly in last 10 years.
-rot didn't spare the chasis (floors, back arches, hole on the front part of the chassis)
-puddle of water on passasnger side
-puddle of water behind driver seat
-Torsion looks full of grease on one side.
-brakes dont release the disks
-door handle broke of on the passangers side
-door doesn't unlock on drivers door
-and the final kicker: machine doesn't turn.

Action plan:
-finding someone to make overhaul of the engine
-if possible getting full electrical loom (the one inside looks really bad)
-overhaulin suspension and brakes 
-getting floor panels (god help me)
-repairing the rot on back arches
-finding decend ph1 dashboard
-getting car painted
-if possible getting the full arches set in grey and red inserts

sorry no photos because i feel ashamed how i let "Aka" down.

Hopefully next post will be more positive

now i need to go under the shower so no one sees me cry.

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Leslie green

It doesnt sound the best from your description maybe a little to late to save , if you can weld its possible but expect it to take a long time and cost a lot.Ive spent a lot of time on mine over the last 2 years restoring it and it wasnt rotten to start with but missing parts and a non runner 10 years before I got it.Goodluck whatever you decide.

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Thank you for good wishes :)

TBH, i want get this car, and restoring it should still be cheaper then buying one.

Got estimate from Paint shop 4k EUR (metal work and painting).
Rebuilding the engine found a person to do it, but he said he can give me estimate once he opens the engine.

Have "spare doors", rubber seales, carpret, seats for the car.

Need to find LHD dash and full trim.
I see that prices went bonkers in last 10 years.

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Leslie green

The bodywork is the biggest issue ,if you have someone to do that it will make it so much more manageable plus you can do the many other bits when the shell is away.  The engine will need a full rebuild ,they always need at a minimum piston liners ,rings  and the crank polishing and a head shim and exhaust guides and the block needs checking very carefully for cracks at the back near the liner seats which are very common.

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i hope "my guy" will be able to do that... he did say he has experience with XU engines (he is tuning or repairing engines for racing teams) and i was sent his way by an ex rally driver.

one thing he did say is... he can do tuning and machining ect. but if something needs to be replaced i will have to provide the material.

any suggestions what brand should i look for (preferably something with optimal price performance ratio)?

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