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Any body any idea what this noise might be? I can't find anything rubbing etc, its driving me slightly mad!

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Shock bolts not tight enough bottom doesn't appear to be moving but maybe the top one although worth checking both, or anti roll bar end plate not tight enough? 

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Sounds tinny like somthing that is thin metal (heat shield?)  rather than something heavy metal.


Edit, safety strap to petrol tank?

Edited by PhilNW

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Leslie green

Id check the top shock bolt holes on the silver bracket part are not oval which can happen if they have ever ran too loose , my shock mounts were scrap because of that , it sound quite a heavy knock . That noise would drive me nuts lol  disconnecting the shock would eliminate it as a cause but you should be able to see or feel for any movement or wear in situ.




Edited by Leslie green
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Arb end flag bolts loose or flag bolt hole has become slotted and bolt is pinging around inside 

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Cheers chaps, I'm taking it apart this morning to see if I can find whatever it is. Hoping it's just a loose bolt tbh!

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Well I had it up on jacks and couldn't find anything, nor could I make it rattle once it was off its wheels. I suspect something is loose or the shock struts are knackered but it will have to wait and join the queue of work it needs. i doubt I will find it until I take the whole assembly off the car and start taking it to bits.

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When you took the first audio was the car on the ground or jacks?


Quick and dirty  - with the car on the ground  - Suggest just unbolt the tops of the shocks and bounce up and down on the back of the car. 

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It was on the ground. So full weight on wheels. 


Worth a try I'll have a go this week.

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Unbelievably I still haven't solved this issue. having said that the car is just sitting doing nothing outside. Roads are too s*itty to drive on and it's too cold for me to be bothered messing around with it. Maybe I'm getting too old to own an old cart that always demands attention! lol

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Bit of a long shot but sounds very similar to the noise I had: the air filter cylindrical housing had lost a bolt and was banging against the rocker cover making that tinny noise.

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