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BE3 gearbox codes and ratios

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I am investigating the code numbers and gear ratios on my spare BE3 gearboxes , there is some information online and i have searched on the GTIdrivers forum but some of the links seem to be dead and lead nowhere eg track monkey . Does anyone have a list they could post up please .

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There's complete list for all PSA MA BE3 ML gearboxes on one of the French sites , but i cannot remember where i saw that ?!?


Been searching myself recently too as i also need some codes deciphered ..


Was something like :






... there was complete PDF doc. , gear ratios and codes ...



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Thanks , will have a good look at those later . Its only one BE3 box i need to know about now , from a 1997 306 Cabrio 2.0 litre 8V with the code 20CH60 .

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With some careful research, you can link codes and ratios on catcar.info

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