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205 XS petrol smell in engine bay

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Hi All


First post here: I've recently acquired a 1989 205 XS and really loving it. Just getting through various things I'd like to do to it but one thing that's noticeable is a smell of petrol under the bonnet and to an extent in the cabin after shutting it down. No obvious visible leaks so I'm wondering if it's either normal or that the carburettor needs attention. It doesn't seem to like hot starts, although fires up fairly easily if you give it a bit of choke and/or give it a push of gas when starting it.... 


I will post some pictures up soon and look forward to being part of the forum, even though I don't quite have a GTI! 




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Tom Fenton

Both sound pretty normal for a carb to be honest. Its quite possible the manual would tell you to give it some throttle to help hot starts.

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Leslie green

I'd be tempted to change any old rubber fuel hoses as the modern petrol now can eat through them with its ethanol content.. I'm not sure on the xs setup but if its a mechanical type pump fits on the block rather than an electric pump that sucks the fuel up rather than pushes it and a small leak won't necessarily show before the pump, I'd also check/change the air filter as it could be blocked with oil vapour that gets recycled back through it. Modern fuel can make it harder to start when warm though and I'd also check the carb mounting nuts as if loose as gaskets shrink can cause issues and the gasket will blow leaning the mix. 

Edited by Leslie green

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Many thanks guys. I need to look into this when I have a minute as I’ve found an old invoice from a garage saying that they repaired the mechanical fuel pump and “bypassed the faulty electrical fuel pump”….

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Leslie green

I'd assume you have a leak as I've run carb cars many years and you don't really smell petrol in the engine bay, the only time I did it was a cracked hose just before the mechanical pump. 

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I had this faint petrol smell inside the cabin, I liked it untill I had a look at the leaking fuel hoses under the tank.

I fitted Gates Barricade hoses and now it's gone, not that I could enjoy this fire hazard smell anymore.

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