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Brake Vacuum Pump Refurb

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 I've just had to replace my brake vacuum pump on my XUD

refurbed it a while back with the two membrane kits available and topped it up with oil

it has been slow leaking the oil from the body out the end of the shaft, just next to the body and the little pulley

as the shaft spins, the oil is flung out and creates an oil line on the bottom of the bonnet

I thought it was my cam seal at the flywheel end and changed that a while back to be sure

the vac pump ran dry of oil and started making a pretty awful noise 


I've checked over the old pump and both membranes look good and it still seems to be producing a vacuum

I think at the pulley end of the main shaft there will be a seal which has worn and is slow leaking

has anyone ever changed this ?

can I use a puller and extract the shaft and put a new seal in ? or will I just have to top up the oil more often ?


thanks all




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the seal I'm guessing is leaking, is not shown as a part in the peug 1649482626_ScreenShot2024-04-29at8_49_17PM.thumb.png.0832e09010d9a1aa1bfdaf9e432b02e1.pngcatalog, so presumably its not replaceable


the other two refurb kits for the vac pump are shown as 2 and 8 which I've used 



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There is at least one guy that managed to change the seal :



I don't know if this seal is the same across the years. The pump was a Pierburg at first but I can't tell if it was still the only manufacturer for the 205, I have seen pumps without Pierburg markings but maybe it was aftermarket and not OEM.

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cheers baptiste , 


there are some other aftermarket brands but as you say, all the OE ones I've seen are Pierburg


no measurements but mine looks identical to the one shown in the link 


seems like he heated/expanded the plate (the one the pulley bolts to) 

extracted it off the shaft and put a new seal on the shaft

can't tell what dimensions the seal is but hopefully it will have some markings to order a new one from... somewhere




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You don't really need heat to pull the plate but it's another story to press it back, it's probably best to put the pump in the freezer overnight so that you don't need as much heat.

Another solution could be to drill the pin on the side to extract the bearing assembly, not only can you properly press the plate but you can inspect/change the rod bearing.

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getting this plate off is the whole job, the rest should be simple


didn't want to drill the side pin and destroy everything by drifting into the body

my two arm puller isn't up to it

can't over heat it either

so hopefully a local mechanic has a decent Kukko puller




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I wonder if you could get the pin out with a stud welder.

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boingo , its off ! 


using the four M6 screw holes in the plate 

a local place with a drill press + lathe made up a 20mm thick plate to match , has the four M6 screw holes plus a fine thread M14 centre hole

fixed the two plates together with four long 35mm M6 bolts and pulled the original plate off the pump shaft by winding in an M14 bolt thru the centre hole onto the shaft


seal is roughly ID 19mm, OD 37mm



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Is there something written on it? It should be 19 x 37mm but it could also be 3/4" x 1-7/16" if Pierburg managed to find some imperial seals for cheap .

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markings on the seal are too tiny, couldn't get a decent photo to make them out but pretty sure its: 




CFW  D  45


BAU  1


extraction time, then down the shop for a 19ID x 27OD x 6mm seal


hope I haven't jumped the gun on the pump still creating a vacuum, will know soon enough

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another step forward, winkled out the seal


in daylight the above seal dimensions are clearer



Edited by Gohn

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new seal is 19 ID x 27 OD x 5mm (local supplier didn't have a 6mm version)


when I pushed on the new seal the spring dislodged, so twisted it on instead by hand and it went on well


put the pump body in the freezer for half a day to shrink it, put the plate in the oven at 180deg for half an hour to expand it


the plate then went on the shaft by hand very easily, (the plate is supposed to sit off from the pump body about 3mm, its top level with the end of the shaft, so rest a flathead on the pump body as you slip the plate over the shaft, get it in the right spot and stop it going too far onto it like mine. as the shaft cools the plate its position is fixed in a few seconds) 


put some new oil in and drained it again - came out quite dark (indication of wear ?)


the piston is nylon lined and wobbles about in its bore a bit ( not sure if that's normal either ?)


checked the diaphram which looks good and replaced the o-ring on top of the piston


it sounds good, road test tomorrow maybe










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