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Jacks Pug Build

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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone, after lurking on this website for the past couple of years I've finally got my first 205 and thought I would document the work done here. Ive wanted a 205 since I was 16 when my mum showed me her rolland garros edition. Im now 26 and insurance companies are finally willing to insure me, so Ive bought a 1987 GTI. What was orignally a 1.6 is now a stripped out 2.0L XU10J2 that has seen many a track day. My plan is to get it back to a daily street-friendly car that is more on the comfortable side of things. 


This is my first time taking on a car project and I plan to do as much myself as possible to learn everything along the way. Some parts wont be pretty and this definitely isn't a project for the purists, as I am on a tight budget and hope to do some unique modifications along the way. There is plenty wrong with the car, which allows me to have a go at fixing things myself and learning lots along the way. 


This thread is mostly a way of documenting for my future self, however, please chip in with any tips/tricks!


The journey up


The first mission was to get the car from London to Glasgow. Here is the pug in London, all packed up with interior stuff in the rear, ready for the trailer. 




On the trailer and ready for the drive up to Glasgow! Looking very small amongst the others :) 




The car got here in one piece. Here is a picture of me grinning from ear to ear and creating a big list of things that need done :D





MOT Preparation


After making a very long list of things needing done to the car, I looked at fixing the essentials first so that I could get the car through an MOT and back on the road. Fixes included: 


- New alternator (PITA due to no room in the engine bay)

- New heater blower motor and transistor 

- New headlights (front right was cracked) 

- New horn 

- Fix hazard lights (turns out it was only the fuse)

- Wiper motor service and new wiper blades 

- Loose fenders 


With these fixes and a few other things tidied up, it passed its MOT and was allowed back on the road :) Here it is back home after passing!






Edited by SunRa67
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Leslie green

Wasn't too bad to get back on the road again then although there are always things need doing .

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Congratulations on your purchase Jack. This is a fantastic all round car. Keep us updated on your build progress. I purchased this car for my birthday last year and my biggest regret is selling it!!



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