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Phil Gti

I have a inlet manifild that has bern painted and now found out it doesn't have the mounting holes for the square Iginition coil. 

It has been suggested that I can extend the wiring and install a cylindrical ignition coil that bolts to the N/S suspension turret.

Whilst I had an auto electrician trace a dody immobiliser causing a non starting engine I asked him about it.

He said that because one was wet coil and the other type is a dry coil he wasn't sure if he fitted it that I would be compatible or cool correctly . 

Has anyone done this conversion/swap or know if my auto electrician's concern is correct. 

Need some facts not opinons, as I don't want to do it it and cause an electrical fire or issue.


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Leslie green

Easiest way buy another inlet for phase 2 , you have the earlier one , what you are describing is not worth the hassle imo

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Phil Gti

I have ported the inlet and had it painted, if it was standard I would have just swapped it. 

It's either extend the wiring and use the square one and mount it somewhere else or convert to the cylinder type. 

Still need an answer to what can/should be done.

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Yes , pretty easy to convert from late square coil to early cylindrical .. and preferred solution, as late square coils often go bad whilst cylindrical last for ages .


-> it can be done , has been done before , no issues what so ever either way from square coil to cylindrical or vice versa .. don't worry .


Just an FYI , haven't said in which color you painted inlet manifold but - inlet needs to be left silver , so it reflects heat rather than absorbing it (if painted black or similar) .



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Phil Gti

I painted it almost the same the shade of grey/silver as the the original material it was cast in. 

Is the conversion just a case of extending the wiring loom and connecting it to the correct terminals?

Thanks for your advice. 

This is what the manifold looks like. 


Edited by Phil Gti

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  On 7/22/2023 at 6:16 AM, Phil Gti said:

Is the conversion just a case of extending the wiring loom and connecting it to the correct terminals?

Yes , +12v switched positive , earth and signal for the tacho ing. module and tachimetric relay . 


Follow wiring diagram and it'll be fine .


If you're unsure "how to" with regards to electrics , call mobile mechanic/electrician it'll be 15min. job for him .







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