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Clutch driven plate rubbing on flywheel bolts

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Hi. Need help again. I’ve just tried fitting a new driven plate to my engine and think that the springs are rubbing on the flywheel bolts. It’s a Valeo 193443. It only seems to go one way, as the higher side obviously goes in the pressure plate side. There seems to be evidence of rubbing on the bolts previously, but I bet it isn’t normal. Does anyone know which driven plate is the right one?  Looking on line, the one I have is meant to fit a be1 and be3 box. My box is a be3. 




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That's TU clutch plate , for MA boxes ... seems like , those part numbers on the plate doesn't reveal much - which numbers where on the clutch disc box ?


Full kit/set for BE3 :


620 115 000 LUK

80 12 90 Valeo

300 065 1001 Sachs


Just clutch plate/disc :


186 287 0002 Sachs

320 020 910 LUK

80 31 20 Valeo


It's either wrong clutch disc/plate , or "worn" flywheel ie. it's been heat damaged previously and machined down to the limit , in which case you'll need replacement flywheel (or take the grinder and shave the bolts heads a little bit , but measure first how much is needed as too much it'll weaken the bolts heads ..)





Edited by DamirGTI

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Thanks. I’ll get a Valeo one asap as this is the last piece of the puzzle to get the engine back in.  

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Just read your post fully. Speaking with the guy on eBay (spoox) he is adamant that the clutch plate I have is the right one for the car. Worried now that the flywheel is worn. Do you know, or does anyone know what depth the flywheel bolts should be from the friction plate surface?  I measured it at 0.135”. I guess I could take the bolts out and turn the heads down to provide clearance, but also worried about the reduced strength.


Don’t want to buy another plate and have the same issue. Can’t seem to find the valeo one 803120, but have found the luk one. 

Thanks one again





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Those bolt heads look rather taller than I recall of original equipment bolts.

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not sure what 0.135 of an inch is in mm, why convert a metric bolt measurement to decimal inches ??

anyway peugeot flywheel bolt sets are available 


the peug part number is 053713


should be a few places in the uk that have them if you go that route

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Standard Original flywheel bolts from my 1.9....


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If i recall , think TU's have shallower bolt heads , these look OE to me for XU ..


No idea about flywheel machining limit specs , will try to look in my pile of books ...


But tbh. , if it's just an millimeter or thereabouts clearance needed , i'd just shave the bolt heads that much .. they're 10.9 grade bolts and there's 8 of them .


Or could be wrong part/clutch disc fitted in the package ... might try and order another one from LUK or Sachs , unpack so you don't tear the labels and compare if it's the same .. if it is return it back and you'll get you're money back , or try at you're local car part shop if they have any in stock to compare the two .


Took one bolt from an S16 block/flywheel , same measurements as posted above :




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... or , the flywheel might not be seated properly on the crank flange , take it of and see what's behind .. could be some rust or metal/bolt thread bits specks , leftovers from old loctite compound hardened blobs/dust or similar .


Thoroughly clean up crank and flywheel mating surfaces , clean flywheel bolts threads with wire brush free from old loctite and wash off with brake cleaner , apply fresh loctite on flywheel bolts and tighten to spec. (49Nm) .. then try and see what happens .



Edited by DamirGTI

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All, thanks for the help on this topic. I ordered the luk clutch plate mentioned above from the same place I got the valeo plate and it fits perfectly.  They are very different. 

Thanks once again. 

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