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205 GTI 1.6 - track too wide / driveshafts popping

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I have a problem that I can't really pin down. I have almost destroyed a new SKF shaft (heavy noise on rh turns) and popped the original and a refurbished one within two weeks. Only right hand side, always on quick right hand corners. Both have completely destroyed housings and the SKF one is buckled already. The refurb shaft that only lasted 2 drives is the exact unit used for a youngtimer trophy racecar here in Germany, so we started investigating.


My car is accident free (original paint on wings/hood, never been removed and perfect panel gaps all round), drives otherwise lovely, but seems to really wide for unknown reasons. Even after loosening the engine/gearbox mounts and putting it together slightly tensioned towards the right hand side and got my measurements within 5mm of the racecar (from about 10mm off). I am not sure the shafts will last through. Left shafts have never been an issue, I have three now...


Heads up: The entire setup is new or rebuilt. All components are equal to the ones I pulled out (wishbones included, image measured from inner bolt centerline) and have been ordered using part numbers. I am running stock springs on a B4 damper. Ride height seems spot on comparing to old press images (lowering isn't my thing here).


I have been looking at countless 1.6 images on the web and something seems off on mine, my wheels stick out past the arches with stock tires while almost all others are inset...


309 shafts are not an option due to the 1.6 hub spline, not interested in hybrid shafts and to be honest I wouldn't mind a narrow track. As all parts are new I am not looking into a full 1.9 hub/brake conversion. Any ideas or is this supposed to be like that?!
















Edited by dst
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What does the wishbone look like?

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Above is the new part, below the old one on the table.


I am almost dead certain they were identical (even going at it with a tape), but also didn't know there are only 10mm difference on 205vs309.


Upon further review I realized that with possibly 309 arms and stock height and non adjustable top mounts the camber curve gets progressively wider on the way down which would explain both the wheels sticking out and the racecar stance (which uses 309 arms but much lower...).



Edited by dst

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yes that's a 309 arm you have now.

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Welshpug is right, the one on the car looks like a 309 arm with the inside flat. The old ones with ribs looks exactly like 205 arms.


There is a 309 driveshaft that should fit this, the E1,G1 and G2 engines had BE gearboxes and small hubs but only 71hp at best so it may not last too long.



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they worked fine on a friends gti6 engine for a while, they're just the same as a 1.6 shaft but about 5-10mm longer.

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Man you make it hard for me. Thanks for your help, I can finally get on the right track (literally).


I currently have a set of standard wishbones and another new 1.6 shaft ordered. I could just go ahead and cancel/return those and just get that longer shaft instead. I'd much prefer a narrower track but also don't want to loose the camber. Top mounts seem excessively expensive given the rest of the setup.



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