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New Wolf trolley jack not working

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After having two cheapo trolley jacks bought secondhand cease to function, I thought I'd splash out on something new,  more upmarket, and with positive reviews.


So, June last year, I treated myself to a Wolf 2.25 Tonne low profile Black Jack jack. Have used it maybe 4 times ... and, already, it's failed. Pump the handle; nothing. If I help the arm, it raises, but feebly, and falls back as soon as I stop pumping. Yes, the screw release valve is screwed in,


Is there some magic fix, or have I really bought another piece of crap? I think it's still guaranteed, but I bought it on line and had a friend bring it out here, so not so simple to return.

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Does it have an rubber plug on the hydraulic cylinder ? (should have one) , see if you can find it and take it of and see if there's any oil inside the cylinder - simply try to pour it out from the cylinder into container .


Either there's no oil inside , too little oil , or the cylinder seals are bust . (all possibility with nowadays Chinese made crap)


If there's no oil or very little , fill it up with some light grade mineral oil , air tool/air compressor oil , or ATF Dexton 1 or 2

spec. oil .. or if in doubt , empty and refill anyway and see what happens .


That should do (unless the seals are rotten) , i had some odd jacks which where kinda poor performing also from new , and changing the oil and filling up to the level fixed them .


EIDIT : try the above with you're old second hand jacks , likely it's the same problem .. even if they leak oil externally a little bit just keep topping them up with oil and you'll be able to use them still .



Edited by DamirGTI

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Hi Damir,


  Thanks yet again. You're right (as always!), just got round to checking this out, and the oil, supposed to be at the bottom of the plug threads, is only just above half full.

  Bought this in June 2021, two year guarantee, so contacted the suppliers. They at first said they'd refund me for the oil needed to correct it ... but, just now, they've changed their mind and said this: "My Apologies, I was under the impression that the jack had been bought just the other day. With jack’s overtime oil levels will go down I’m afraid and will need topping up even if the jack hasn’t been used."

So ... where does the oil supposedly go? Surely it doesn't shrink or evaporate?! I've literally used it four times, and it is absolutely dry, no sign of leaks.

If this is the case, maybe my previous jacks could have been repaired simply by topping the oil up!


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Leslie green

I had a big 3 ton omega  jack and it only needed topping up after about  15 years use even then its would lift just range was less as it had too little oil  ! It wasn't used every day but did a fair bit of work , it's actually still going but leaks a fair bit from the plunger on the handle  now when pumping , ram still fine . The oil is going somewhere but you will rarely see a leak on the floor till its really bad as there is so little oil in them. It's possible it wasn't filled from new correctly  and had air in so top it up till the ram is covered and keep an eye on it  . Jacks wear out and the cheap ones tend to not last  , I bought a sealey 3 ton rocket lift and its been very reliable too over 5 years or so , cost about £160 I think but you tend to get what you pay for and the 3 ton ones are very heavy (40kg) IMO once you need to top up they are on the way out , after the first top up on the omega one , it needed oil again in a shortish time (few weeks/months)  After a lot of searching I got a generic seal kit for a 3ton and most of them use the same parts and are rebranded American jacks but never got round to fitting it yet .

Edited by Leslie green

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