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Boot carpet options

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After long-term leaks from the rear quarterlights, my boot floor is rusted through and the carpet is a sludgy, shredded mess :-(. Based on recommendations here, I'm going to purchase one of the rear 30cm sections of floor to weld in. Re the carpet, there are many claimed options on Ebay, ranging from £20, for which I'm not confident they'll even fit properly, to £60+ allegedly 'genuine' replacements. Just wondered what the general feeling on here is re boot carpet/soundproofing options? Any suggestions? Any cheap creative solutions?? Cheap is always good for me :-)

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I bought 20mm neoprene to make sound deadening with then the foam backed heavy duty leatherette to make a new boot mat.

Looks great.

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Tom Fenton

Newton Commercial do the original type felt underlay/sound deadening, cut to shape.

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