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Straight diesel fuel problem

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Hi guys I've recently put a 205 1.8 straight diesel van back on the road for commuting to work - it has been off the road for a few years. 


When I drove it to mot centre it died at 1/4 of a tank of fuel on the gauge, I then filled it up and it has ran fine since, it seemed to take ages before it dropped from the full marker and then today at just above 1/4 of a tank it died again - no fuel


Will it be the float in the tank that's faulty and can it be fixed or should I replace it? 



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Likely the sender unit going bad ... mine also started doing some extreme "Mexican wave" on the gauge lately , after a while of ignoring , just few days ago i decided to take a look what's up and found the sender "disintegrated" .


Early Ph1 senders you can easily dismantle and repair/clean , later ones Ph1.5 and Ph2 are a little bit tricky to open .


Which year is your 205 ? .. asking because , if you (or someone before you) fitted later Ph1.5/Ph2 sender unit into a Ph1 tank the reading on the instrument cluster gauge will be wrong/incorrect (it'll read higher on the needle than what the actual amount of fuel is in the tank) .


Take the sender unit out and have a look , could be algae in diesel if was left standing for longer period and these can block the sender float up-and-down the stick .. additionally , on Ph1 senders solder joints of the float tend to break which is easy to repair .


Obviously check the sender wiring/connector .



Edited by DamirGTI

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I also recently had problems with a sticking fuel guage needle on my diesel


it wound up being a very obscure problem - a rusty guage needle !

but during my investigations all the other possible causes were explored first so there's plenty of info here:




there's info on how I got the sender out, how they work, the different makes, Jaeger and Veglia, etc so have a look


Damir's suggestion of a sticking float is most likely

the float just glides up and down inside the sender cylinder, and the resistance is increased/decreased as a result

the needle then shows that on the dash


once you get it out you will know what type it is

the Jaeger type does not look repairable, but the Veglia one you can dismantle and clean

hope yours is a Veglia

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Cheers for the help guys it's a K reg ph2 so I'll check if it has the right sender and if its okay :D

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