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Barry R

Phase 1 instrument binnacle and dash removal?

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Barry R

Hi all, I'm trying to remove the instrument binnacle from a phase 1, does it come out on it's own or with the whole dash? I have remove every fixing I can see plus the two under the bonnet. Its loose ish but just won't come out? Any advice, pictures etc would be very much appreciated.

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18 hours ago, Barry R said:

does it come out on it's own or with the whole dash?

a "bonnet" is outside the windscreen, I think you mean visor, part marked 2 in catalog pic below

your visor needs to come off/out first, then you can take out your instrument cluster

I've never worked on a Phase 1, so I cant assist a great deal

but there will probably be a self tapper, one under each of the little triangles to the left of visor/centre of dash

they need to come out

then there will also probably be a self tapper to each side of where the bottom left of the visor plugs into centre of dash

at the front/top of the visor under the windscreen there will probably be two plugs that just kind of snap in and out

I'd send a few more pics but they dont seem to show the screw points much

if it helps you can look around the 205 catalog here : https://catalogs.ssg.asia/peugeot/?lang=en


with the visor removed there'll probly be a screw either side of the instrument cluster

unplug the elect plugs and the speedo cable at the back first then outs


hopefully one of the leisurely Phase 1 owners will put down tea and crumpet to assist shortly


Screen Shot 2021-06-21 at 8.16.56 PM.png

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I had (still have) Ph1 with the old style dash , it's been a while but from memory , there's two screws on the bottom corners of the cowling left-right and one on top under the tray .. once you undo those the cowling will be free but need to push/pull it out towards you (remove steering wheel or lower complete steering column first)


Instrument cluster is held by two screws on the main dash , again on either corner side and some clips on the bottom .. then only the speedo cable will likely be stuck holding it on , if so unclip the speedo cable from the gearbox and pull the Instrument cluster with it out till you can reach the back side to unclip it from the cluster .


No need to dismantle entire dash , just the Instrument cluster cowling and remove the steering wheel/or lower column .


What ever you do , work slow and be gentile .. like walking on eggshells . As working on a Ph1 dash tends to be crusty as a f*** experience .



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I removed mine recently, also a ph1 dash. The plastic is super brittle. Be careful! Like DamirGTI mentioned: there is a tray on top, which you have to remove to uncover a screw. This picture is not from a GTI/CTI, but the idea is the same. #2 is the tray on top.


In my dash a previous owner had already destroyed the mounting part on top. One of the screw holes on the front has been broken by the brittle plastic, so the cowling is only secured with 1 screw at the moment :(


In my 1987 CTI the instrument cluster has 2 metal clips at the back that should be lifted upwards/removed. I don't believe there we screws for the cluster, but I am not sure. When the cowling has already been removed and those two metal clips have been removed, I could remove my instrument cluster without removing the steering wheel or touching the column.



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