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Timing Belt, tensioner, Water pump kit question

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I bought a timing belt (gates) water pump and tensionser kit (Volz - Spain) because the website I bought it from said it fit my 1.9. It does NOT. But it seems to fit some GTi, the water pump has just two bolt holes, not for my 1.9 (1989). If visually one can say what it would fit, I'll send it to you for free. We can split the postage from the US. Otherwise it goes in the dump. it is new of course.  This ebay auction says it fits, and it doesn't. it is DOLZ KD028. Here is a link Kit on Ebay

and a pic ... I can't return it because it has been > 90 days.


Edited by ob2s

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Looks like the kit for a 1.1 / 1.4 / 1.6 8v TU engine. On the 1.6/1.9 8v XU's you have 2 types, one with a 113 tooth belt and the "big" tensioner with the metal plate and spring, or the 114 tooth belt and the tensioner similar to the one in the picture above.

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getting wrong parts is a pain

taking the current one off first can help to confirm you get the correct bit, but sometimes that's difficult before ordering

the catalog reckons your 1989 XU9 has a 113tooth tbelt

the pic below is for the earlier versions up to 1990 (so would cover yours)




maybe the 114 tooth tbelt is for the versions 1991 and later ? (which I didn't bother checking)

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This is probably the one you'll need; Gates kit-number: KP15050XS-1  https://www.besteonderdelen.nl/gates-8138917.html (does not ship internationally, but is convenient for looking up (after market) part numbers or cross reference OEM part numbers to after market ones. For example in the link above the separate part numbers of the mentioned kit are also available, these PN's you can cross reference to other (maybe states side available) brands.


The information on the ebay link in your OP was incorrect, they list this kit for a XU engine which is wrong (as you found out). Maybe they react lenient if you point that out to the seller, but you'll have to ship it back again.


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Can I jump in please?

same issue I think.


just starting a refurb of 1989/90 1.6 gti

im so confused about what my belt should be 113 or 114 teeth?

tensioner. Spring loaded or eccentric tightening?


so many sites differ with info 


according to Vehicle Check I have a 113 or 116 bop engine.


do I need to remove it all first before I order?



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1 hour ago, Sullydog said:

Can I jump in please?

same issue I think.

113 tooth belt with spring loaded tensioner.

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The changeover was around mid-1992 from memory - so typically a late J / early K registration in the UK.  Prior to this point, it will be the earlier 113 tooth belt and spring-loaded tensioner, after this it will likely be the later 114 tooth belt and eccentric tensioner setup.  The vast majority of 205 GTI's thus use the earlier 113 tooth setup.


However, it's always worth checking - some late cars were built using remaining stocks of earlier parts and/or sat around unregistered for some time, sometimes a different engine might have been fitted or someone might have swapped the belt/tensioner setup from one to the other.


As an aside, the compatibility guides on any websites (especially the likes of eBay and Amazon) should be treated with a massive pinch of salt.  Often they can be misleading, and at their worse, they're completely wrong (as the OP found to their cost).

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You can usually check what type of tensioner & belt combination is fitted to your engine without removing anything.


Initially, if you have the metal cam sprocket cover you will most likely have the spring tensioner as the later black plastic covers were used on the eccentric roller tensioners.


But, even this isn't an exact way to find out.


Looking down the back of the engine, just below the exhaust manifold there will be a stud with a locknut on & square end.




This should tell you if you have the sprung or eccentric tensioner.



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When using websites like eBay and the like, I always double check parts numbers. No exceptions. Their compatibility list is nothing but a suggestion, and usually a bad one at that. I always look for parts numbers only. As long as you are confident about the version of 205 you own, you cannot (should not) go wrong when the parts number matches.

I tend to use this for parts number searches: http://catcar.info/peugeot/?lang=en



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On 6/17/2021 at 8:34 PM, pug_ham said:

Looking down the back of the engine, just below the exhaust manifold there will be a stud with a locknut on & square end.

Thats a nifty trick Graham


Does that square stud indicate you need a 113tooth belt and spring tensioner OR the 114tooth and eccentric tensioner ?

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2 hours ago, Gohn said:

Does that square stud indicate you need a 113tooth belt and spring tensioner

113 tooth. The square stud is for releasing the spring loaded tensioner and locking it in place after fitting the belt. There is a cam-ish shaped bit on the other end, which can be seen in the diagram above which you've posted.

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On 6/19/2021 at 12:23 PM, Gohn said:

Does that square stud indicate you need a 113tooth belt and spring tensioner OR the 114tooth and eccentric tensioner ?

Sorry, I didn't make it clear in my previous reply but Thijs has answered for me.




This shows the difference between sprung & eccentric tensioners.



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Hi Ob2s, I am in Vancouver, BC and buy some of my engine parts from rockauto as they have Peugeot 405 section with the same 1.9 engine. My car being 1993 uses the 114 teeth belt and the eccentric tensioner. The others have provided excellent info on how to distinguish. I also read that if the car has rhe metal cover on belt, it is 113 teeth type.


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