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Power Steering Reservoir

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Hi, In the midst of rebuilding a 205 1.9 Gti with power steering. When I bought the car, the power steering reservoir was cable tied to N/S Headlamp Panel/ Slam Panel.


Amongst a box of bits, which came with the car, is the proper bracket, but mangled out of shape.


Does anyone have a picture of the correct location of the reservoir, in the hope that I can repair the bracket and refit correctly.


Any help would be very much appreciated.


Cheers,   David

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the bracket may just look mangled

its an odd shape to begin with

in the part catalog :

number 4, part #400773 this is the main reservoir bracket

but also in your box of bits you should have the little lower support bracket which bolts to the chassis

 number 5, part #400775

the main bracket bolts to the LeftFront of the slam panel, its slotted down in front of the battery as shown in the pic

the second separate little bracket bolted to the bottom of the bottle will have a little bolt point on the chassis

there are two hoses connected

the top hose comes from centre low down at the steering rack and goes left to the wall and up around behind the washer reservoir then across to bottle

the bottom hose goes down to the pump



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Morning Andrew,

Thanks very much for all the info.

Much appreciated.

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Leslie green

Mine was missing and I had a lot of trouble locating a replacement as they are not easy found so hopefully yours is fixable .Other non gti 205 models with power steering have a different bracket that mounts near the middle of the slam panel 

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