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Steering vibration at speed

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Hi all. I have a standard spec 1989 205 1.6gti. Non-power steering model. Steering vibrates  above 75 mph. It gets progressively worse the faster you go above that. At lower speeds the steering is smooth and seems precise to me. Front tyres are Uniroyal rainsports. Am slow to bring it to get steering tracked in garage in case they make it worse rather than better. Smooth steering at speeds below 60mph.

Does anyone know what possible cause is likely to be? 




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You'll probably need to have the wheels balanced.

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Thanks soundguy. Finally found a place that says he can balance a 4 stud solid alloy. Heading to see them soon Hope it solves the issue. Thanks again. 


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Hi all. Can anyone tell me whete I can source bolts for 14' pepper pot wheels off a 1.6 gti?

Got wheels balanced today and 2 bolts are pulling on the thread and not tightening.  They are the long headed bolts. See photo.

Thanks. Stephen 


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pepperpots are ford XR wheels...





have you checked the drive flange/drum threads?    these bolts are pretty tough things and don't just pull threads, they will have been crossed under many many Uggaduggas at some point.

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Apologies Welshpug. Was not sure of correct name for the pepperpot effect wheels on the 205 gti.

Thanks for information.  Just took off wheels and I have 2 drum threads that are both letting 1 bolt spin endlessly. Probably from over exuberant tightening by previous owners/car shops. Forgive the silly question,can these be re-threaded or what's my best plan of action to fix? Newish to this 205 life, but want to have car in great condition.  Thanks again. 


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Leslie green

Drums need changed for safety really  and as for wheel balance it usually get worse around one speed  say 50 mph then drops off again as speed rises ,a vibration that get worse with speed id be looking more at say engine mounts or worn suspension arms balljoints .

Edited by Leslie green

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Was thinking drum change would be best option. Will organise tomorrow.  Will see what vibration is like then, once that's done. Wheel balancing has made steering smoother. Seems that new engine mounts are in place. Will look at ball joints. Vibration makes dashboard rattle at high speeds. 

Thanks Leslie.

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Tom Fenton

Drum threads can be helicoiled easily and safely I have done it a number of times.

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Just Helicoiled drum threads. Snug as a bug. Thanks for the advice Tom. Appreciate the info. Shiny  new bolts fitted now.


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