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Bilstein Warning Again!! Safety issue. B461039

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Gday all. Just wanted to make this very clear for ANYONE thinking about buying Bilstein dampers. 


Have had a friend ask to change his standard 205 Gti dampers to a set of New Bilstein B6. He ordered them, they arrived last week and I fitted them up for him yesterday. He was very excited as was I. 

After being on this forum for almost 20 years Ive seen the issues come and go with the Bilstein Rear dampers. Too soft, too stiff etc. If your a regular on the forum you would know this, you would probably know that for a road car with fairly standard bars Gti6/vts dampers are perfect, factory made quality. 

I have to say the B461039 is still the s*ittest rear damper Ive ever come across. Yellow fat tube and black dust cover. They are so soft the rear squats when you think about accelerating and pogo sticks over any sort of undulation. Its almost like there is no damper on the car at all. 

Im a huge fan of standard dampers on a standard car especially the rears. I often just fit Gti6/Xsara dampers as they are just right for a 205 road car. 

How can these still be so s*it! I really couldnt believe how bad they actually are. I will be removing them and having them re valved locally as sending them back to the UK will cost and arm and a leg if there is in-fact an issue with them. 

So to anyone one looking to buy B6 dampers PN B46 1039 you have been warned to stay well clear. Dont even think about it or even consider them even if 15 of your mates have them and there ‘sick as’. Im pissed off because the cost to get these here and fitting them up etc is just a total waste of time. They should also be pulled of the shelf and once again re configured because they are UNSAFE. 

You have been warned. 


Im surprised there is not a hugh backlash with 205 customers tbh as a lot of people seem to be fitting them!?? 

Did we get a dud set? Dont think so...


****Fronts felt pretty good but nothing to write home about. 

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Tom Fenton

Did you prime them first? Sometimes helps. Cycle the damper while upright fully open/closed half a dozen times.


I’ve used 1039’s a fair bit and have always been happy enough.

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Yea we went through the travel a few times. Just seems really strange. The rebound is awfully soft. Lifts the back right up after compression. 

Lets see how they go after a few miles. If/when they get re valved I will get them matched to a gti6 rear and see where the numbers sit. 

Thanks for the reply, good to know some are happy. Maybe we got a ver old set? They look very new and are surely the later version. 


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I'm going to ditch the Bilsteins and buy some Drummonds for the front.



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7 hours ago, Tom Fenton said:



I’ve used 1039’s a fair bit and have always been happy enough.

You sure yours aren’t 1038/grpN Tom? 

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Tom Fenton
23 minutes ago, allanallen said:

You sure yours aren’t 1038/grpN Tom? 

Yes you are probably right, my mistake on the numbers.

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3 hours ago, Tom Fenton said:

Yes you are probably right, my mistake on the numbers.

It’s your age old boy, one minute it’s Bilstein dampers next you’re reeling off 15 names before you mange to remember what your kids are called. 

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didn't think the 1039's would be quite that bad, compared to the skinny bodied BNE1931 Black B4's.

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